Intermittent fasting is making more noise than ever!
Just about every YouTube fitness channel and fitness website has something to say about it.
And there’s a reason why…
Not only does it make dieting incredibly easy, but it burns fat FASTER than anything I’ve ever tried.
In this article, we’ll be discussing the benefits of drinking coffee during your fasting hours.
As you may or may not know, there’s two periods when practicing Intermittent Fasting:
1) Feeding window – The time where you eat all your food for the day.
2) Fasting window – The time where you only have water or 0 calories drinks (black coffee, tea, diet sodas).
To better understand why Intermittent Fasting works great, read my article 7 Reasons Why You Should Try Intermittent Fasting.
For now, let’s go over the reasons why you should drink coffee when fasting.
1) Appetite
One thing that makes intermittent fasting tough for those new to it is their appetite.
Intermittent fasting requires going longer than usual without eating.
But don’t freak out, it isn’t that much longer.
In reality, all you really do is push your breakfast up a couple of hours.
…No big deal.
The most popular form of Intermittent Fasting is having an 8 hour window where you eat all your food.
For example, you eat from 11am-7pm (8 hours), and then fast from 7pm-11am (16 hours) the next day.
Doesn’t sound too bad, right?
Well, that’s because it isn’t!
However, for someone who’s used to eating something the moment they wake up, it can be tough going until 11am without any food.
…This is where coffee comes in.
Coffee is one of the BEST appetite suppressants available.
As soon as you finish a cup of coffee, your hunger is gone.
And, since black coffee has 0 calories, you can drink it without worrying about “breaking your fast”.
I have a cup of coffee every single morning.
This curbs my appetite until 12pm – 1pm which is typically when I eat my first meal.
I drink Death Wish Coffee because it taste amazing and the caffeine content is higher.
The higher the caffeine content, the better job the coffee does as curbing your appetite.
Learn more about it on Amazon:
However, any coffee should work just fine.
Next, we’ll talk about how drinking coffee when fasting improves your energy.
2) Energy
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach makes it much MORE effective.
Since your body isn’t digesting other foods, the caffeine hits you stronger.
As a result, you experience a surge in energy compared to when you mix coffee with food.
The absolute best thing to do when you drink coffee on an empty stomach is to workout.
Not only do you feel lighter since there’s no food in your stomach, but the boost in energy really helps you engage in a MONSTER workout!
I sweat like a animal when I drink coffee on an empty stomach and do cardio.
My favorite forms of cardio are jumping rope and hitting a punching bag.
I wouldn’t trade the energy I get from drinking coffee fasted for anything.
Try it and see for yourself.
3) Mood
Within minutes of taking your first sip of coffee, you begin to feel good.
Coffee instantly improves your mood by stimulating dopamine in your brain.
You don’t want to abuse it by drinking 5 cups a day, but having 1-2 cups is perfectly fine and healthy.
I personally drink 2 cups every day.
I have a cup when I wake up, and another usually around 10:00 a.m.
Since most people become angry when hungry, drinking coffee can help keep their mood in check.
If you mood is good, you’ll be much more motivated to keep fasting.
4) Productivity
Coffee does a fantastic job at helping you focus.
If you’re hungry and constantly thinking about food, how the heck will you be able to focus?
You won’t!
But, when you add that delicious cup of coffee into the mix, suddenly your hunger is GONE and your focus appears!
Right now, as I’m writing this article, I’m sipping on a cup of coffee.
And let me tell you that I feel as if I can write for hours!
It’s 10:45 am, I haven’t had a single thing to eat today, and I feel more productive and alert than ever!
Once you experience the increase in productivity that comes from drinking coffee while fasting, you’ll never go look back.
Trust me.
While everyone at work is sleepy due to the energy crash from the breakfast they ate, you’ll be laser focused and unstoppable!
5) Willpower
Last, but definitely not least, is willpower.
Regardless of what you’re doing, if you lack willpower, you’re going to end up quitting.
Whether it’s intermittent fasting, starting a business online to make extra money, or anything else; if you don’t have motivation to do it, you won’t.
But, when your appetite is gone, your energy levels are high, your mood is good, and your productivity is better than ever; your willpower when intermittent fasting will be incredibly HIGH.
And that’s why, my friend, you need to include coffee when fasting.
…It just makes everything so much easier and better.
If you’re not used to drinking coffee just black without cream and sugar, don’t worry, it’s an acquired taste that you quickly begin to enjoy.
Once you drink it black a couple of times, you’ll never want to have it any other way.
I remember the first time I tried coffee with cream and sugar after getting use to having it black.
It tasted so sweet that I considered it a dessert.
Plus, when you drink it with cream and sugar, you’re more likely to get hungry sooner.
This is because when you eat or drink sugar, your body begins to crave more of it within a couple of hours.
You’re also likely to experience the energy crash that comes from the carbohydrates contained in cream and sugar.
The moral of the story?
If you’re not having your coffee black when intermittent fasting, you’re truly missing out on the great benefits.
Happy fasting!
Talk soon,
-Alexander Writer
James says
I been trying intermittent fasting after i read your articles and it is crazy how black coffee work when you are fasting. i seriously cannot agree more with you. Thanks Alex and keep up the good work!
Alexander Writer says
My pleasure, James. Glad to hear you’re having great results! Black coffee is like magic when you mix it with fasting!
Timo says
Can confirm all of these points and I don’t think I could fast as long as I do without the help of coffee.
Chad says
Hey Aleks,
What do you think about “Bulletproof” coffee?
Ever tried it?
Not so much the branded beans or other ingredients Asprey sells, but the idea of putting butter and MCTs in while fasting in the early part of the day?
Dan Richter says
What do you think about all the online articles that have negative things to say about drinking coffee on an empty stomach? I personally haven’t experienced any symptoms doing this, but many of the warnings are about doing damage to the digestive system, etc.
Alexander Writer says
I’ve been drinking it on an empty stomach for years and have never had an issue. I think it only becomes an issue if you overdo it…like 4-5 cups on an empty stomach. Then again, everyone is different so it’s really just a matter of listening to your body.