To achieve goals, there’s one thing you must have in order to expedite results.
Without 100% focus, you won’t make progress.
And even if you do, your work will lack quality.
Trust me.
I saw the most progress with this blog when I started following this routine.
It something I also talk about in my book.
Distractions hold you back like a dog on a leash.
And sure, just like a dog pulling on the leash will still make some progress, it’ll require way more effort.
You follow me?
Distractions must be 100% eliminated.
That means no TV, no cellphone, and no girlfriend lurking around telling you she’s hungry.
To succeed in life, you must discipline yourself to work in a distraction free environment.
Most people have an abundance of distractions.
A cellphone alone is a theme park of distractions.
You have text messages, emails, and all the other notifications that don’t stop.
There’s no way to advance quickly in this manner.
Work (quality work) requires a focus so strong that not even a stampede of bulls outside your window can distract you.
Everything becomes background.
If you’re used to being distracted, it might take a while to build the focus muscle.
You’ll be working and get the urge to look at your phone, think about something else, or watch TV.
Push through and continue working.
That muscle will continue to grow each day that goes by.
Your focus will only get stronger and stronger.
But it’ll initially require effort and discipline.
Right now as I’m writing this, my phone is on silent and there’s no one in my home.
I’m wearing noise cancelling headphones to prevent any outside noise from distracting me and listening to this mix on YouTube.
I’m in the zone!
Writing this article feels effortless.
I typically listen to trance mixes as I write.
But I never listen to anything with lyrics.
Can you guess why?
Because they distract you.
Lyrics ruin your train of thought and creativity.
That’s why it’s just me and my keyboard.
The rest of the world is on mute.
This is how you make progress, my friend.
This is how you create a masterpiece instead of just another article floating around the internet.
This is how you succeed.
Success isn’t a secret, it’s a discipline.
[bctt tweet=”Success isn’t a secret, it’s a discipline. ” username=””]
Remember that.
Talk soon,
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