How To Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs
I was watching a personal development seminar one day where the speaker mentioned the book Mind Lines.
The book covers how ideas and beliefs are formed in your mind.
How and why you believe what you believe.
What sparked my interest was when he mentioned how he learned to eliminate his own self-limiting beliefs.
We all have them.
For one reason or another, we all feel “limited” in some area of our lives.
How does this happen?
What convinces us to feel limited?
Is it something we’re born with?
Is it a fact?
…or is it something we heard over and over which led us to believe it?
The truth is that nothing is real.
“What could that possibly mean?” you’re probably asking yourself.
Well here’s the answer…
Whatever limiting belief you have, isn’t real.
Whatever limitation you think won’t allow you to achieve something, I ABSOLUTELY guarantee that someone with your “limitation” has achieved it.
In Mind Lines, they give plenty of examples of how to re-frame your mind.
I’m going to create an example to help you eliminate your own limiting beliefs.
Let’s say you have the limiting belief that you’ve waited too long to start a business and can’t make it happen now because your too old and too busy.
In the book, they mention that there’s an “internal state” and “external state”.
Internal state = what you believe
External state = why you believe it
In this case, the external state is “I can’t start a business.”
The external state is “I’m too old and don’t have time.”
Knowing this, we can begin to re-frame your mind.
So we begin by asking:
“Has there EVER been someone your age who was busy but STILL started a business and made it successful?”
Yes, of course there has!
There are retired people starting a business every single day!
…and even if you’re busy, you can start it part-time!
At this moment, you immediately begin to shift your beliefs.
Next we ask:
“What are the reasons you COULD start a business if you decided to?”
You know how to read, write, work hard, study, and are motivated.
Whatever you don’t know about starting a business, you can learn.
Last we ask:
“What’s going to happen if you NEVER take action and just keep allowing this limiting belief to control you?”
Nothing at all.
You’ll never take action.
You’ll day dream about how much you wish you had your own business.
Let me tell you something…
Life is a number’s game.
Things don’t always turn out the same way.
Something will work today, and not tomorrow.
I might go to the store and only find one item out of five I was looking for.
Tomorrow, I might go back and find all five.
Things always change.
…but everything is possible.
Your limiting beliefs are NOTHING but a false thought lurking around your mind.
If you take any limiting belief and start breaking it down…
You’ll begin to realize how your mind has been holding you back all this time.
I remember a limiting belief I had around women and dating.
I’m 5’9 which is about average height for men.
I had the limiting belief that women were ONLY attracted to and dated tall guys.
So I went to work on this belief.
First I asked myself:
“Is every man who is 5’9 or shorter unsuccessful with women?“
No, of course not.
Have I ever dated a woman?
Yes, I have.
Was I taller than 5’9 when I dated her?
What’s going to happen if I keep thinking this way?”
I will never allow myself to meet a great woman who perceives height as irrelevant in men.
Do you see how this works?
I could go out and approach 10 women and none of them will be interested in me.
I could approach 10 tomorrow and have all of them respond positively.
Limiting beliefs are formed because we either see something happen a couple of times and believe that’s the way life works…
Or because we are told something over and over and as a result, believe it.
No matter what your perceived limitation is, it can be argued and dismissed.
Why do percentages exist?
Because things don’t always turn out the same way.
If you go fishing, you might catch three fish today, and 25 tomorrow.
Again, life is a number’s game!
All YOU have to do to achieve whatever you want is PERSIST and ignore all limiting beliefs holding you back.
I highly recommend you get with a friend and work on each other’s limiting beliefs.
Do it until you don’t have any left.
You’ll quickly learn just how much more you can achieve in life by eliminating things in your mind you always felt were facts.
This is very powerful, do it!
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