"How To Date and Keep Women Interested In You"
Join All The Men Who Are Enjoying Dating Success Because You Too Deserve The Kind Of Women You've Always Wanted...

Here's what you'll learn:
- You’re going to learn secrets on why most men have almost no luck with women and what to do about it.
- How to approach women anywhere and get their phone number in less than 3 minutes - pg. 7
- My proven 3-step technique that all women love on how to smoothly go in and get the first kiss Pg. 25
- A common mistake men make that pushes women away - pg. 28
- How to “read” women and know exactly what to do and say in any situation. –Pg. 55 & 56
- Why you must give woman space, how to do it correctly, and why she will leave you if you mess this up. Pg. 44
- In chapter 22, you'll understand why women pick certain men for dinner and dates and other men for sex (I'll show you exactly how to take control and always be the one who decides)
- It took me years to “crack the code” on what makes women want and desire men – and I can teach them to you in less than 5 minutes with 5 simple things that will give you an advantage over almost every other man alive (These are the top 5 things I wish someone would have taught me when I first started trying to succeed with women and dating.)
- Why you must “challenge” her to keep her interested - pg. 57
- A quality 'bad boys' have that makes women sexually attracted to them (and how you can easily do it too) - pg. 63
- On page 28, I’ll reveal to you what “players” and “bad boys” know about making women want them. This is something that most men don’t know about…and I’ll show step-by-step how to do it so you can make women desire you.
- How to leave a woman wanting more at the end of a date (and how this guarantees you get a second date.) -Pg. 20 & 21
- A 10 word phrase that's a "cliffhanger" and makes her think about you all day long (women love this kind of stuff...and you'll quickly realize why) – Pg. 38
- How to motivate women and why it makes them fall in love with you. – Pg. 60
- One thing you must do to keep women attracted to you - Pg. 29
- Here’s how you should and should NOT act when she’s not around you. (This is very IMPORTANT information. Make sure you read this section more than once.) – Pg. 49
- How and why women "test" men (and how to make sure you pass every time) - pg. 14
- The secret reason why women put men in “The Friend Zone” and the GUARANTEED way to make sure you stay OUT of it. – pg. 60
- Why you have better chances with women than you think (and how you can prove it to yourself doing this one thing) - pg. 10
- A mistake men make that immediately turns women off and makes them never want to see you again pg. 11
- My TOP 7 unique compliments that you can copy and use to stand out from all the other men who compliment women - pg. 18
- My all-time classic technique that makes any date instantly fun. (Hint: It’s a game the two of you can play at any point in the date that every women loves) – Pg. 16
- How to leave her wanting more at the end of a date and guarantee a second date - pg. 22
- Did you know that there’s a RIGHT and a WRONG way to kiss a woman? One way turns her on and the other makes her want to never kiss you again. I’ll show you both the right and wrong way so you can make her want you instead of pushing her away. – pg. 25
- The only thing that really matters during sex, how to easily do it, and why she’ll brag to her friends about you - pg. 45
- A personality trait every man must have to keep a woman attracted to him forever - pg. 40
- Here’s EXACTLY what to say when a women asks you how long you’ve been single. (Plus the REAL reason why she asks you this question.) – Pg. 32
- The absolute worse question to ask a woman on a date that INSTANTLY makes her lose interest – Pg. 17
- How to appear dramatically different than all the other guys that hit on her so you can catch her interest and become the guy she chooses to date - pg. 67
- How to turn any woman on with this technique (and the step-by-step way to do it) - pg. 27
- A HUGE mistake men make when it’s time to ask a woman for her number and why it makes her say no (plus how to guarantee she says yes) - pg. 9
- How to dress and groom yourself to avoid looking clueless or as if you’re trying too hard - I even give you specific clothes recommendations. – Pg. 10
- A simple surprise that will cost you less than $5 and make her feel incredibly special. – Pg. 58
- Here’s a secret that women will never admit (And why it makes them strongly desire men.) – Pg. 42
- A mistake men make in relationships that makes woman want to break up with them. I made this mistake my whole life and things immediately changed when I stopped - pg. 28
- Exactly what to wear on a first date so that women don’t think you’re clueless or that you’re trying too hard - pg. 11
- Why women become bored with men they're dating (and how to prevent it from happening to you) - pg. 30
- A biological need that every woman craves and how you can give it to her without being rich, tall or buff like a bodybuilder. Pg. 31
- One thing you must ALWAYS do to keep her attracted to you and prevent her from falling for some other guy - pg. 32
- One thing you must unconsciously communicate to women to make them feel like you’re a "high value" man she can't afford to lose - pg. 52
- The psychology of body language and how to make sure you're turning women ON instead of OFF with yours - pg. 13
- One of the best techniques I ever learned to succeed with women (If you're going to read ONE thing in this book, make it this!) - pg. 38
- How to make sure you’re always “ready” whenever you see a woman you want to date - pg. 6
- How to react whenever woman get dramatic so you can maintain her respect instead of pushing her away - pg. 43
- One thing that “bad boys” have that make women want them (and how you can get it without doing anything crazy or dangerous) - pg. 54
- Why you can't succeed with women if you do this (and why it's so POWERFUL!) - pg. 69
- How doing this one thing makes women want to always be around you - pg. 37
- Why sometimes you must be “selfish”, how to do it correctly, and why all women STRONGLY desire this in men pg. 50
- A mistake most men make on the first date that makes women never want to see them again - pg. 12
- On page 51, I'll teach you exactly how to act and how NOT to act when she’s not around you to keep her attracted to you instead of coming across as a needy and insecure guy - pg. 51
- The #1 thing you must avoid doing on a first date or else you’ll never see or hear from her again (Hint: If you've ever gone on a date with a woman and thought that everything went great but never heard from her again...chances are that you made this mistake) pg. 17
- A step-by-step conversation dialogue that works like MAGIC that you can copy and use when approaching new women - pg. 8
- Why you must have your own life that doesn't include women you date, why it’s so important, and why every women wants this in men they date - pg. 33
- Why spending a lot of money at the beginning DESTROYS your chances with women. (Hint: This is the time where men are put in the “friend zone”) – Pg. 15
- And much, much, MUCH more!
Hi friend,
Has a woman broken up with you or asked for "space" and you need to learn how to get her back?
Have you ever seen a beautiful woman you wanted to approach but didn't because you got nervous and didn't know what to say to her?
Has a woman you really liked told you that she wanted to be "just friends"?
Do you need to learn how to keep women interested in you?
Do you believe that only a certain type of women is interested in you and that you can't have the kind of women that you really want?
Are you in any of these situations RIGHT NOW?
Here's the reality...
If you ask 100 women what was it about the last guy they dated that made her want him, most women would have a confused look on their face and have to think before answering you.
Because succeeding with women is not about being good looking or having a lot of money.
Sure, there are some women who only want those things...but out of the 3 BILLION women on the planet, it's a small amount.
All the other women want a different kind of man.
Imagine for a moment all the average (and below average) men you've seen with beautiful women.
What's their secret?
They understand EXACTLY what women want, need and respond to.
Some men were taught this as kids by their dads.
Other men (like me) had to learn it themselves.
If you don't know exactly how to meet and keep women interested in you, guess what? It's NOT your fault!
It just means that you were never taught.
My book will fix that so you can DOUBLE your success with women.
I'm Alexander Writer, author of the classic book Dating Mastery.
You're about to discover what you were never taught about succeeding with women.
You'll learn everything you should and shouldn't do to guarantee your success.
You’ll Also Get 3 FREE bonus books!
When you buy my book now, you’ll get these books FREE:
Bonus # 1:
Most men have at least ONE place where they struggle with women. It’s either during the first date, when it’s time to make the first move, or when it’s time to get sexual.
I'll teach you:
- How to smoothly go from one step to the next with women. (One of the TOP things regarding what women want in men. I use to make the same mistakes over and over until I learned how to do this correctly.)
- How to avoid the mistake most men make during the first date that turns women off and prevents her from coming back to your place.
- The step-by-step monologue to say to women to get her to come back to your place at the end of the date.
- The very important thing you must do the moment you get to your place with a woman.
- How to “set the tone” in your place so you can get women to relax and feel sexy.
- My “move forward and return” technique that’s proven to turn women on.
- How to properly undress a women in a way that she enjoys without her rejecting you.
- Proven foreplay techniques so you can drive her crazy and get her very turned on.
- The ridiculous mistake men make during sex and how to avoid it so you can guarantee you please her.
- The right way to have sex with a woman that makes her orgasm (Hint: Porn has taught men the wrong ways to have sex. To give women great pleasure, you must do things a different way…and I’ll show you exactly how)
- And much, much more!
Bonus # 2:
Here are the 50 best dates to take women on without barely spending any money. Men have been fooled into believing that the only way to show a woman a good time is by spending a lot of money. The reality is that that isn’t what women want in men. In this book, I’ll show you what truly matters, plus a MASSIVE amount of date ideas.
This book will show you:
- How to get greats deals at the most expensive places. (These are little tricks I discovered by mistake that most people don’t know about)
- Why cheap dates can be more memorable and special to women.
- An easy way to get creative and plan her favorite date without spending much money.
- A date that costs less than $5 but is worth $1,000 to every woman.
- How to take advantage of free classes or events offered in your neighborhood so you can keep your dates interesting, fun, and unique.
- The only thing that really matters in dating. (Hint: It’s not going to expensive restaurants all the time or buying her expensive gifts)
- My proven technique so you can make any place you take her to eat at 10x more special.
Bonus # 3:
Meeting women online in one of the greatest miracles of the internet. I cannot begin to tell you how EASY it is to meet one women after another online. You have access to literally thousands and thousands of women in your area. In this book, I’ll teach you my best secrets to meeting women online.
Here's what you'll learn:
- The best online dating websites that are easy to use, have tons of women, and are FREE to join.
- Exactly what to write in your profile so you can get women to respond.
- What women want in men they meet online (and how doing this one thing guarantees you stand out from every other man so you can catch her interest and attention.)
- The crucial thing you must do correctly in your profile that women look for immediately.
- A mistake men make with their profile pictures and why it turns women off (and how to to avoid it)
- The two types of pictures that are proven to instantly increase the amount of responds you get from women.
- Here’s exactly what to message women to guarantee they respond (A psychological proven technique)
- The 5 terrible mistakes men make with online dating (And why it FORCES women to ignore you)
- Exactly when and how to ask for her number and why it’s so important to do it this specific way.
- A step-by-step dialogue of what to say when you call her, how to set up a date, and when to end the conversation. (This is the EXACT process I use every time)
- Meeting women online is different than meeting them in public. Here’s where to go on the first date with women you meet online and why.
- 5 interesting questions to ask her during the date so you can prevent her from getting bored and losing interest
- 7 things you must avoid revealing about yourself that destroy the chances of her wanting to meet you (Hint: These are things that you should only reveal after you’ve already started dating a woman. Most men do it way too early and it pushes women away)
- Exactly when to schedule the 2nd date if the first date goes well and why this method works best with women you meet online
- And much more…

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This is probably the MOST important investment you’ll ever make in your dating life, and I know that the information inside my book will help you succeed with women.
Guys send me emails all the time about how much my book has helped them, and now I want to help YOU too!
This is truly a 100% risk-free offer.
Check Out What Other People Are Saying About My Ebook
Hey Alexander, what’s up? I just wanted to say that I would have paid the same price of the book just for the information in Chapter 35 “When she’s not around”. I literally committed every mistake you say to avoid. The weird thing is that these mistakes feel like the right thing to do in the moment, but I finally understand why it’s such a bad idea and why it “pushes women away” like you mention.
This is purely amazing. I’m by Ch. 11 and had to stop to email you. I’ve learned so much and can only imagine how much more I’m going to learn. I bought your book because I’ve always had women break-up with me. My problem I think is that I don’t know how to present myself as a man after being with a woman a long time. I’ve already learned a lot of mistakes I made in all my relationships with your book. I just want to thank you and am also looking forward to the bonus book on dating online. I like the idea of meeting women online first. Thank you for this, it’s really helping me a lot and making me feel better. I don’t feel so helpless anymore
Excellent book. There are a lot of dating books on the market right now, but your articles were really helpful so I decided to make the investment. I have no regrets, I love it. Thank you!
Not more than 10 minutes of me reading your book and I already figured out what I’ve been doing wrong this whole time with women. This is an excellent dating book. Fantastic work Alex!!!
There’s so much good stuff in this book that I don’t even know where to start. My girlfriend began asking me for space after 2 years of being together. It was so weird, I thought everything was perfect. But out of nowhere she wanted to spend less and less time together. I tried to be nicer and do more things for her but it only pushed her away more. Well to make a long story short, she broke up with me. This is why I bought your book because I knew I needed to figure this out. Thanks to you I know exactly what I did wrong! I didn’t give her space and I didn’t take the lead how you explain in your book. It all makes sense now.
This book is like a dating bible...I can't stop reading it because there's so much juicy information
I actually started reading your bonus books first and haven't even started the actual book. They are GOLD and I can't wait to start 50 secrets!
I decided to invest in your book after 2 failed relationships and just wanted to say thank you because it's helped me in ways that I'll never be able to repay you for.
Let me ask you a question: What if all the things I teach you in my book actually teaches you what women want in men and allows you to meet just ONE woman you really like and want to date?
And what if what you learn in my book prevents her from ever deciding to leave you?
How much would that be worth you?
Now ask yourself this: What if this book actually teaches you how to meet, date and keep amazing women whenever and however often you’d like?
Imagine really learning and knowing how to trigger attraction in women that you always see out in public, and how happy it would make you to get this part of your life handled for good.
You know that little bad feeling you get when you don’t know how to approach and meet woman you see? Imagine if you got rid of it!
How much would that be worth to you?
Tell me honestly…$1,000? $5,000? More?
Most men would agree that it’s priceless.
Having this kind of success with women is well worth the investment.
I personally invested over 5 years, money, frustration and disappointment to learn how to succeed with women.
I would’ve done ANYTHING to be able to buy this kind of knowledge and experiences for only $10!
I know for a fact that you’ll be glad you did as soon as you experience your first success with a woman after reading it.
I can guarantee you this: No matter what, as long as you’re single, you’re always going to see women that you’d like to meet and date.
Or you’ll meet and begin talking to a woman, think she’s really great and beautiful, and will want to ask her for her phone number so you can see her again.
Or you’re going to be out with a women and want to make a move and kiss her…
My question to you is, in the moment, will you know exactly what to do and say to succeed?
Or will you let each of these moments and opportunities slip by and unfortunately always wonder what might have happened?
I have one more thing I’d like to share with you.
After studying success for over 10 years, there’s one thing I know for a fact: If you don’t take action and get this part of your life handled RIGHT NOW, there’s a very small chance that you’re going to do anything about it in the future.
The longer you take to change and fix something, the less likely you’ll be to do it later.
Don’t let your dating life slip you by!
I’m going to show you the exact steps and specific directions to succeed with women for the rest of your life!
Without knowing what women want in men, you’re going to keep experiencing disappointment, pain and loneliness.
Think about it…
To your success with women,
– Alexander Writer
P.S. This book will teach you EVERYTHING I’ve learned through real and personal experience regarding what women want in men. These are things that have worked for me many times – not something I just read off the internet or had someone recommend. Everything inside this book is tried and tested by ME personally as well as by people I’ve recommend it too. I take you deep inside a woman’s mind, teach you how attraction works, and why some men can meet and date any woman they want and why others can’t.