I’m going to share a morning habit you should develop.
No matter what your fitness status or goals are, do this every morning.
Perform 100 reps of each:
- Push-ups
- Sit-ups
- Squats
Your goal is to complete 100 reps of each no matter how long or how many sets it takes.
If you need to do 10 sets of 10 reps to complete 100 push-ups, then that’s what you do.
The goal is to develop your strength and endurance until you do each exercise in one set.
In other words, you’ll do 100 straight push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, without a break.
Sounds hard?
It really isn’t.
You’ll get there A LOT faster than you think.
Want to know a secret about life?
If you’re consistent with anything, you will make VERY FAST progress.
Once you do each exercise in one set, you’ll then begin to time yourself.
Your goal will be to do 100 straight reps quicker and quicker.
What’s the point of this?
These 3 exercises work just about every muscle in your body.
By performing 100 reps in one set, you’ll develop both stamina and strength, all over.
It might take you a while to complete this workout when you first begin.
However, eventually you’ll complete in less than 10 minutes.
You’ll begin to notice your body more toned and stronger.
When I first started, it was difficult to complete.
The hardest part was the push-ups because I would exhaust my arms and chest.
However, with time, it got easier and easier.
Because I did it every single day.
Unless of course you feel extreme exhaustion, pain, or suffer an injury.
Don’t be superman, listen to your body.
If you have to take a day off, do it.
Just stick with it as much as possible until you do the 100 reps without rest.
It becomes fun and addictive, especially when you start making progress.
The rewards are great both physically and mentally.
Most people can’t do 20 push-ups.
Once you begin doing all three workouts without rest, your confidence will go through the roof!
Your energy will improve, your clothes will fit you better, and people will give compliments.
This workout doesn’t require any equipment or gym membership.
Just your will and effort.
Discipline yourself to do this every morning and I promise you’ll be glad you did.
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