Keep Your Cool
Ongoing stressful situations, or not having things go your way, can really take a toll on your patience.
You may try to stay positive and just “push through”, but there’s so much you can deal with.
The important thing to know is that “freaking out” or losing your cool with only make things worse.
The more tension and stress you add to the situation, the harder it’ll be to deal with.
Realize all you have to do is learn to take a deep breath and continue to address the issue.
Don’t scream, complain, or go crazy.
Keep your cool.
In life, there will be stressful times.
You’re going to get angry, sad, disappointed, and frustrated.
It’s inevitable.
It’s part of life, my friend.
Both you and I, and every one we know, has to deal with it.
It’s easy and tempting to complain and dwell on your problems.
However, it’s much better to just deal with them until there over.
Don’t try to find ways to mask symptoms.
Don’t run away from problems or try to forget about them by turning to alcohol or other unhealthy things.
A drink here and there is OK when you’ve had a long week.
…but don’t make it your go to thing every time you’re stressed.
Engage in healthy things that help with stress.
Working out, getting a massage, or simply taking a nap are great choices.
You need to learn to deal with your stressful situations and problems.
Stare them right in the face and address them.
When all hell breaks loose, learn to be the person who remains calm.
This allows you to focus on the problem and come up with a solution.
I read a story once about an employee made a mistake costing the company 40 million dollars!
In a paranoid and stressful demeanor, he stormed into his boss’s office and said:
“I think you’re going to fire me!”
Instead of getting angry and firing him on the spot, his boss responded:
“Let’s relax for a moment, close the door, and take a seat.”
The boss looked over the mistake and contemplated on how to fix it.
Al though they still lost a lot of money, they were able to get most of it back.
If he would have just focused on the mistake, fired his employee, and not think on how to fix the problem; it would have just made the situation worse.
All of the money would have been lost and he would have had to hire another employee.
Instead, they both learned a vital business lesson and moved forward.
Don’t make a bad thing, worse!
If you’re having a disagreement with someone and talking about it isn’t getting you any where…
Walk away and try again later.
Allow yourself and the person to “cool down”.
Our emotions are in the driver’s seat and if we don’t steer them in the right direction, it’s only a matter of time before we crash.
I know it can be hard at times, but learn to keep your cool.
With practice, you’ll get better at dealing with stress.
As soon as you realize and accept that losing your cool will only make the situation worse, you’ll begin to handle things differently.
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