If there’s one thing to “test” the love of two people, it’s a long distance relationship.
How in the world can two people “be together” if they”re miles apart?
Can a relationship work if two people don’t physically see each other?
It can be done.
Is it easy?
No, of course not.
But it can be done.
Here are some long distance relationship tips I’ve personally used before that worked.
1) Make daily contact
The reality is you never see each other.
Daily contact is vital if you’re going to make this relationship work.
Call daily and keep the conversations both fun and supportive.
Ask what they did today, what they ate for dinner, what’s on their mind.
Make them feel like you’re “still together” even though you’re not physically there.
Tell them something interesting you learned or a place you visited recently.
You can talk about anything, just make sure to keep daily contact!
2) Send random/unexpected gifts
Being random is always great in a relationship.
Surprising your girlfriend with a gift she didn’t expect will make her really happy.
This works even better when it’s a long distance relationship.
When she doesn’t know when to expect your next random gift, you stay in the back of her mind and keep the relationship interesting.
You want to remain interesting to your girlfriend.
Don’t you?
Random and unexpected gifts is a fantastic way to do this.
Trust me.
3) Surprise visits
If you can afford to travel often, visit her as much as possible.
This is a no-brainer.
Even if you only go see her once while she’s away.
Once is better than never.
Don’t go into massive debt now and go see your girlfriend every weekend.
Just a trip here and there which won’t set you back too much.
As many times you can afford to go see her, do it.
Even if you’re only going to spend 48 hours with her…
Make the trip!
I would suggest you do a random visit.
Plan ahead and try to figure to ensure she doesn’t have any school activities or big exams when you plan to surprise her.
Be careful not to make it to obvious you’re planning to surprise her.
4) Double the amount of support
Again, you’re not physically there.
The most you can do is comfort her by listening to her over the phone.
This means you won’t be hugging or holding her closely to make her feel better.
What’s the answer?
Listen to her a little longer than usual.
Don’t tell her what you think she should do, she’ll ask you if she wants you advice.
Just listen and comment on everything she’s saying.
Most of time, women don’t want a solution to their problems.
They want someone they can open up to and “let it all out” with.
5) Stay fit & sexual
There are many miles between you and your girlfriend.
This obviously means there will be no sex.
Does it suck? Yes.
But that’s OK.
Everyone has gone without sex for a period of time at some point in their lives.
The point here is not to focus on not having sex daily.
Instead, focus on giving each other something to look forward to.
Stay physically fit and send each other pictures.
If you do the other four steps mentioned above plus stay physically fit, she’ll be motivated to keep the relationship going and eager to see you.
When the time is right, be sexual on the phone.
Tell her specific things about her body that you miss.
Mention little things that other guys overlook in women.
You can make a woman feel like the most beautiful and desired girl in the world even when you’re not next to her.
If things go heated up, go ahead and engage in some phone sex.
Don’t know how?
Learn how!
You can take it a step further and Skype or video message through your phones.
A long distance relationship will always be tough but following these tips will really help keep it alive and strong.
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The Rational Rebel says
I have two friends who are in an LDR with their partners due to school and work, and from what I see it’s nothing but easy. They’re doing all of the above and are still together, so obviously what you write here works. But honestly, I’m not so sure I could do an LTR…
Alex (Administrator) says
Yeah, it’s not for everyone. Personally, I think it depends where the two people are in life. Do they have BIG future plans together? How long they’ve been together?…and so on.
I remember I read an article on the subject where they mentioned that LDR actually develop a stronger bond because both people have to work so hard to keep the relationship “alive”. Like I mentioned in the beginning of the article, the biggest benefit of a LDR is that you both discover how you really feel about each other and if the other person means enough to you that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to keep the relationship from ending.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
The Rational Rebel says
I think you’re right… When there’s a person in your life that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to keep the relationship alive, it changes everything.