Hi friends,
Below is an email from an Inertia Will Hurt Ya reader.
You’ll find my response below.
“Hi Alexander,
Firstly I want to tell you that I love your blog. Great work!
Secondly, I was hoping you could tell me how you find topics to write about?
See, I’ve been planning on starting my own blog for MONTHS now…
I’m unemployed and living off my savings.
I know it’s no excuse, but I’ve been a bit depressed since losing my job. I’ve lost the will and motivation to do anything.
I’m trying to remedy this (hence the reason I was on your blog, which I’m going to read frequently because it’s awesome!)
But I get stuck at finding awesome topics to write about…
I’m planning on starting a blog much like yours. I want to teach others to get out of the shitty situation I am facing, improve their lives and live life to the fullest. It’s the first thing that’s made me not want to sleep my days away.
I would really appreciate your advice.
Also, what does your writing process look like?
Thanks for taking the time to read and (hopefully) reply, lots of people must email you on a daily basis.
Kind regards,
First things first, thank you for the kind words.
It’s rewarding when I make a positive impact on someone that I know.
However, it’s priceless when I make a positive impact on someone I’ve never met.
I appreciate you taking the time to write your email.
Below are my responses to your questions.
Question # 1: How do you find topics to write about?
All I do is write about my experiences.
I simply share what has worked for me.
I never fabricate stories because that’s not being authentic with your audience.
You’ll never see an article on this blog about scuba diving.
You guessed it – I’ve never been scuba diving.
A blog is your personal journal.
Put yourself in the mindset of teaching the younger you everything you know now.
In other words, think about what you wish you knew 10 years ago.
Make sure you continue learning and experiencing new things.
This will provide you endless ideas to write about.
Before publishing an article, read it out loud and ask yourself “Will this help people?”
If your answer is yes, publish it.
If your answer is no, trash it.
Question #2: What is your writing process?
I write every day.
I don’t sit around waiting for an idea to write about.
When an idea strikes from a past or present experience, a new article is born.
Interestingly enough, I always have my next article in the back of my mind.
The more you live, learn, and experience – the easier and more frequently new ideas come.
Before I know it, someone I’ve never met before finds the article and sends me an email saying “Thank you” just like you did.
Remember that the ultimate goal of a blog is to help people.
Always seek new experiences and self-improvement so you can share your results.
Your readers are interested in two things:
1) Your results
2) How you did it
How to fix your current situation
So you’re unemployed, feel shitty and unmotivated.
Been there, my friend.
I know it’s easier to stay home feeling sorry for yourself.
Here’s the problem….
You’re stressed over two things: the past and the present
You’re stressed because you lost your job and also because you don’t have one.
This mental stress destroys any and all motivation you’d normally have.
Here’s what I want you to do every morning.
Go for an hour walk while listening to a personal development book.
I recommend listening to Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins or Les Brown.
Start with this one:
Don’t jog, run, do jumping jacks or flirt with someone who catches your eye.
Just walk and listen to personal development.
When you’re done walking, take a cold shower (important) and spend one hour applying to jobs online.
During this hour, everything else is off limits.
That means no cell phone, no TV, or anything else.
This will be the ONLY hour of the day that you’re allowed to apply for jobs.
After the hour is up, spend 30 minutes writing.
You can write about anything you want.
Your goals, thoughts, feelings, etc.
It doesn’t matter what you write as long as you do it for 30 minutes.
You’ll do the three tasks above every morning for 30 consecutive days.
You’re free to do whatever you want the rest of the day as long as you do these tasks FIRST.
Got it?
Don’t worry about how and why this will help you.
Just trust the process and watch the magic happen.
You can thank me later.
Talk soon,
-Alex Writer
PS – Don’t forget to download my Dominant Discipline book. Click here for more Information.
Jcard says
You briefly had a post that said you will be doing a podcast, is that still happening.
Alexander Writer says
Yes, but will leave it for 12/31/18 better. Stay tuned for more information. Meanwhile, you can email me a question and I’ll write a post response just like this one.