You said you’re going to achieve something?
…Cool, so did I.
Guess what?
No one cares.
That’s right.
Not your friends, family, girlfriend, dog, or next door neighbor.
No one.
Sure, they’ll act interested as you talk about it.
I mean…they can’t just tell you “shut up I don’t care”.
The reality?
They can’t wait until you change the subject.
Words mean nothing.
Results mean everything.
Seriously, it’s you and I talking here – and I’m asking YOU – do you really care to hear all about people’s plans?
Of course you don’t. (Don’t lie to me or yourself)
No, it doesn’t make you and I bad people.
No, it doesn’t’ make us ungrateful and selfish.
We just KNOW that results are what we look for.
Not words.
And guess what?
So does everyone else!
You’ve heard the saying: “You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?”
People want results.
Let me give you example…
I’m putting together an Ebook (coming 12/31/15) that gives practical advice on how to make $100 a day online.
There won’t be one person walking the earth who reads it and says ”I didn’t learn anything”.
Because I’ve tried and applied all the systems and know they work.
I’ve achieved the results.
But if I put together an Ebook based on “Here are my plans on earning $100 a day online”…
Who the hell would want to read that?
People don’t want ideas.
People don’t want motivation.
People don’t want to know how excited and determined you are to achieve something.
They want results!
They want practical, step-by-step solutions to their problems.
…And unless you can give them results, you simply don’t matter to them.
What a cruel world, huh?
No, my friend.
It’s just reality.
If you can show someone how to make money online, they’ll BEG you to take their money.
If you tell them how you plan to make money online, they’ll forget you exist.
Results = $$$
And this applies to anything else you plan to achieve in life.
The moral of the story?
Keep your goals to yourself and WORK, WORK, WORK until you make them your reality.
Once you’ve achieved them…
Once you can show people you know HOW to get results…
Then you can TALK about it.
How many times have you seen/heard someone say they’re going to do something and don’t end up following through?
I’ve seen it countless times!
People get a rush out of telling others what they “plan” to do.
All it does is put additional pressure on them.
…And even worse, it makes them feel horrible when they don’t follow through knowing people were expecting them to.
So next time you decide to start something, remember that no one except YOU needs to know about it.
People are 100 times more likely to listen to your story once you have results to show for it.
Ever seen an overweight personal trainer?
I can’t help but laugh when I do.
Do you think athletes get endorsements deals because they say they’re going to win a championship this year?
Of course not.
They get endorsements the moment they win one. (Results)
You’ll NEVER hear me mentioned something I’m going to do. (Besides an Ebook because it’s necessary)
I keep all my goals, projects, and future plans to myself.
…And then BOOM!
I surprise people with my results, overnight.
And that’s what YOU need to do as well.
You want something?
Good, no one cares.
You achieved something?
People can’t wait to hear your story.
Remember that.
Results are ALL that matters.
We’ll talk again soon,
P.S. – Thinking of starting your own blog/website? Check out my book Mr. Website Builder.
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