Why do people complicate diets instead of just giving the steak and eggs diet a chance?
Why is it that when they’re trying to lose weight, they spend tons of money on unnecessary things instead?
Diet programs, pills, trainers, fitness classes, etc.
Look, I’m a simple guy.
I hate complicating things.

I work hard so I can simplify my life as much as possible.
Long story short, when I discovered the steak and eggs diet, I was one happy man.
It was the easiest, fastest, and most effective diet I ever tried.
It was created by Vince Gironda, but everyone called him the Iron Guru.
He was one of the most popular trainers and bodybuilder’s in the 1950’s.
He wanted to create a diet effective at burning fat, keeping testosterone levels up, and maintaining steady energy.
…And he succeeded.
No calorie counting.
No measuring food.
No complicated recipes.
Just easy and fast weight-loss.
It’s my recommended diet to anyone interested in burning fat quickly.
The Steak and Eggs Diet Explained
It’s as simple as it sounds; you eat steak and eggs, cooked in butter.
“What?!… Are you kidding me?… Eat pure fat so I can have a stroke from high cholesterol?”
Relax, my friend.
I had the same concern.
Turns out that eating foods high in fat and cholesterol doesn’t necessarily increase your cholesterol.
The first thing that came to mind was verifying what age Vince Gironda passed away.
He lived up to age 79, which is fairly old.
…But then I dwelled on the fact that everyone is different.
I couldn’t get my mind to accept that eating steak and eggs would be healthy.
After plenty of research, I discovered people were reporting improvements in their blood work!
Their testosterone and good cholesterol levels increased, while their bad cholesterol decreased.
They also claimed feeling amazing and that the only “tough part” was that it was boring diet.
Of course, eating the same thing daily will get boring quick.
I don’t know about you but if you tell me I could burn fat fast, increase my testosterone, and see improvements in my blood work; I don’t care how boring the diet is.
I’m doing it!
Everything in life requires sacrifice.
So after all the great stories and reviews, I decided to give it a shot.
I bought some T-bone steaks, organic eggs, and organic butter (more on this below).
After 5 days, I could not believe how fat was just melting off!
I felt great, stronger, and leaner.
I wasn’t hungry throughout the day and my energy levels were consistent, no energy crashes.
My workouts were intense and I felt motivated to push myself to the limit.
How to Start Steak and Eggs
You eat steak and eggs for 5 days and then have a cheat day on the 6th.
The cheat day has a purpose and actually boost your weight loss.
This diet works amazingly well because it contains zero carbohydrates.
When your body doesn’t have carbohydrates, it burns your fat stores for energy.
After 4-5 days of low carbs, you’re muscles are depleted of glycogen and your leptin levels drop.
Leptin is a hormone in your body that regulates fat burning.
In order to keep these levels high, you need to spike them back up.
When you have a cheat day, your insulin levels spike and your leptin resets.
There’s plenty of details regarding leptin and fat burning, but I won’t waste your time.
Just know that it works!
Five days of steak and eggs, and one day of eating whatever you want.
Simple, just how I like it.
Are there limits on how much you can eat on your cheat day?
No, not exactly.
However, I don’t recommend you go overboard to the point that you feel sick.
Don’t worry about what you eat, but don’t stuff food in your mouth just because it’s a cheat day.
Nothing is off limits on cheat days.
Allow yourself sweets and even alcohol if you want.
How Many Meals Daily?
The steak and eggs diet allows you to eat twice a day.
You can choose either breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner.
I prefer to at lunch and dinner because skipping breakfast is easier.
You’re allowed to drink water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee.
I drink a cup of black coffee in the morning which curbs my appetite until lunch time.
It is recommended that you eat the fattier meats such as T-bone, Rib eye, and Strips.
Organic eggs and butter are also recommended.
They haven’t been fed a crappy diet, taste a lot better, and are healthier. You can buy Kerrygold butter here if they don’t carry it in your local supermarket.
However, if you’re seeking a cheaper option, you’ll still get great results with regular eggs and butter.
To cook your steak and eggs, throw butter in the pan and wait for it to melt.
Seasoned your steak with salt and pepper if you’d like.
Cook the steak on both sides until it looks ready.
Remove when done and throw your eggs in using the butter and steak juice leftover.
You can prepare your eggs any way you’d like.
Scrambled, boiled, or friend.
You can eat 4 to 6 eggs and 3/4 – 1 1/2 lbs. (12 oz. – 24 oz.) of steak for each meal.
As far as how much butter to use, there are no limits.
Use enough butter that your pan is fully covered.
I typically use two big scoops.
Remember, you don’t count calories on this diet.
It works, and that’s all you need to worry about.
I usually prepare both meals at the same time so I only have to cook once.
This diet is more mental than anything.
It’ll be boring if you say it’s boring.
Remember that it’s only five days before you’re allowed a cheat day.
You can do it.
Give the steak and eggs diet a try!
Burn that fat baby!
We’ll talk again soon,
-Alexander Writer
Pat says
How many ounces of steak on average do u eat per meal…do u weigh them raw or weigh cooked weight?
Alex (Administrator) says
You can eat anywhere from 3/4- 1 1/2 lbs. (12-24 oz.) of steak per meal.
I weigh my food after it’s cooked. A raw steak can go from 8 oz. to 6 oz. when cooked because it loses water.
Lara says
Hi Alex,
Thanks for a great article.
Hate to ask but there doesn’t appear to be any info on this.
I have tweaked this diet to combine the intermittent fasting so i have 1 meal a day of just under 3/4pound of steak and 4-5 eggs, i cook this in coconut oil and add butter.
I have just finished day 4 but for the last 2 days i have felt sick for about 2 hours after eating then get the runs pretty bad about 4 hours after eating. Can you suggest anything to help?
I am loving the results already, especially the energy and not crashing and peaking all day!!!
Lara 🙂
Alex (Administrator) says
Glad to hear you’re seeing great results! I have heard of this happening to other people before. When you make a DRASTIC change in your diet, sometimes “the runs” will occur as your body regulates itself again. Depending on your diet before, high protein and high fat might in fact be a drastic change for you. Let me ask you, are you drinking plenty of water throughout the day?….I’ve seen many people claim they drink “plenty” of water but in reality only drink about 5 to 6 cups daily.
Mary says
Hi Alex,
Can you use ground beef and coconut oil instead of butter?
Thanks x
Al says
I’m going to have to do something. I’m 29 and weigh over 250lb. I know my diet is the culprit. I don’t move as much as I used to but food will always play a bigger role in weight loss/gain. This steak and eggs diet is about the simplest in terms of thought put into it to succeed.
I’ve got nothing to lose expect fat I guess. I’m going to give it a try.
Alex (Administrator) says
Ground beef is high in fat and protein just like steak so it’s an acceptable substitute. However, your body has to work a lot harder to break down (digest) steak, so the fat loss results could be better. Not to mention that you’ll feel full a lot longer. You should experiment with both and see what works best for you. Start with ground beef and if your weight loss results are satisfactory, then stick to that. As far as coconut oil instead of butter is concerned, you can use coconut oil as well. The thing with organic butter is that it gives the steak and eggs a much better buttery taste and works just as well. At the end, it’s all a matter of personal preference. You can try beef and coconut oil for five days, and then try steak and organic butter after to determine which method you prefer. Here’s a great article that explains the digestion of beef vs. steak. Hope this helps!
Alex (Administrator) says
Don’t focus on where you are right now. Instead, be glad you’re starting now instead of a month from now when things could be worse. Everything is mindset and with the right motivation, you’ll accomplish whatever you want. Just the fact that you wrote a comment opening up about your personal life shows me that you’re serious and ready to make a commitment to change. You’re right about this diet being the simplest. You literally have 3 things in your shopping cart when you go to the market. My favorite part about it isn’t that it’s easy, it’s that it works and keeps me full. Other diets tend to keep me hungry and irritable. However, since steak and eggs keeps me satiated, and I know I have a cheat day in just 5 days, dieting becomes a breeze! If you follow it the right way, you’ll lose all the weight you want. Keep us posted with your progress and feel free to ask me any other questions you may have. Good luck!!!
Suzanne says
What about vegetables? Can you eat a green salad with simple olive oil and vinegar dressing? Should you also take a multivitamin on the steak and egg days?
Alex (Administrator) says
I would suggest you don’t just to guarantee you get the best results possible. Remember, it’s only 5 days and then you get a day to eat whatever you like. The weight loss with steak and eggs is fast and I’m sure you won’t be doing it as long as you think you’ll need to. If you’re worried about getting fiber (green salad) on this diet, it isn’t necessary. What is necessary is that you drink A LOT of water. Water helps flush out fat, toxins, and keeps you regular. Will the steak and eggs diet work just as well if you add a green salad? Maybe, maybe not. It’s better to play it safe and follow it the way it was designed in order to get MAXIMUM results.
Ed Hanson says
I have high cholestrol, around 350 level and it should be < 200. I am pre-diabetic as well. At 5' 7", i weight 220 lbs and desperate to need 30 lbs.
Although you are not a doctor and of course I won't blame you but will this diet truly won't harm my cholestrol?
And help me lose weight??
Alex (Administrator) says
Exactly, I am NOT a doctor so I can’t tell you what and what not to do. What I do is share my personal opinions/experiences and stories of others that I have read about. In my experience, my cholesterol was NOT harmed after doing the steak and eggs diet. On the contrary, my blood work actually improved. There are many stories online where people make the same claims. However, those people, YOU, and I are all different. What I advise is that you use your own thinking before making a decision. There are videos on Youtube of people who’ve done the diet. What I can tell you is that I lost weight FAST, I always felt full and satiated, and my energy levels were through the roof.
Pat says
What kind of results do u get when following this diet and on average how many eggs and how many ounces of steak do u usually eat for two meals?
Alex (Administrator) says
I lose weight very fast. I have two meals (lunch and dinner) and just black coffee for breakfast. I eat 4 to 6 eggs and 12 oz. – 24 oz. of steak with each meal. What I love the most is that it keeps me full and my energy levels are consistent throughout the day.
Ed Hanson says
Thank you so much for the information. I am 42 years old by the way.
Do you have any links on youtube that I can watch or any articles?
Of course you don’t have to provide that but asking you since you may have read / seen some that have more information.
If not, that’s cool. Thank you
Alex (Administrator) says
Here’s an interesting video that motivated me to try the steak and eggs diet. Our whole lives we have been programmed to eat things that are “fat free” or low in fat. Interestingly enough, “fat” is vital in our diets. It keeps us satiated and has a big influence on our testosterone levels.
Ed Hanson says
I am starting out Alex as of today. Wish me luck. I am 42 years old really want to improve my overall health!!
30 – 40 lbs will bring me back in pretty decent shape!
In your experience, Can you work out 3 to 4 times a week (cardio or weights) ? Will that crash my energy? as high carb day is the 6th day?
Alex (Administrator) says
That’s awesome to hear, Ed! I admire people who take action to make a positive change in their lives. I know you can do it! In my experience, my energy was great and I literally felt like working out EVERYDAY. This is something that you’ll have to experiment with and see how you feel. If you’re feeling tired or lethargic, go for a walk opposed to intense cardio or weights. Remember to drink plenty of water!
Ed Hanson says
Thanks Alex. I will keep you posted.
Alex (Administrator) says
My pleasure, Ed.
Max says
Are you still using this diet? How is your results, if so?
Alex (Administrator) says
I eat steak and eggs often but right now I’m at my goal weight so I don’t do it consistently. At the end of the day, eating steak and eggs only can get boring but it’s a FANTASTIC tool to burn off body fat FAST! I recommend doing it until you reach your goal weight and then just maintain.
Max says
Thanks for replying.
What’s your diet now, if I may ask?
Alex (Administrator) says
I typically eat no carbs throughout the day to keep my energy levels steady, and eat carbs at night after my workout. Then I’ll have a cheat day on the weekend if I feel like it, but I don’t over do it. Just some pizza or any other one of my favorite foods. It seems to be working well for me.
Rory says
I’ve been following this diet for 6 weeks and I’ve gained weight. 5lbs actually. I look the same and my clothes fit the same. I workout 6 days a week and lift weights. I drink over a gallon of water a day. My meat is fatty. My eggs are organic. My butter is organic. I’m good with will power… But my body isn’t budging. I have 20lbs to go.
Please help. I’m quite confused as to how people are shedding like crazy. I didn’t even have the water weight drop in beginning even.
Alex (Administrator) says
What are you doing on your cheat days? You’re actually the first person to ever tell me the diet did not work for them. And just so you feel a little better, if you would have gained 5 lbs. of fat, your clothes would NOT fit the same. My guess is that you’re gaining muscle and might also be retaining water from your cheat days if you’re really overdoing it.
Keefer says
I’m skeptical of this. Weight loss is all about making sure calories in is less than calories out. Run a moderate caloric deficit for a long period of time and you will lose weight, regardless of whether you eat carbs, protein, or fat. See below for the scientific explanation.
Alex (Administrator) says
No matter what it is, you’ll always read contradicting “studies” or “facts”. Like the old saying goes:
“it MUST be true if they put it on the internet, right?”…WRONG!
I simply write about my experiences with things that have worked well for me and for others. I can’t tell you the level of validity of any article you come across online. All I can tell you is that when I do this diet, the fat melts off and I’m always satiated. At the end of the day, only you can make a decision as to what you will and will not believe/try.
Rory says
Why I am not losing weight on this? In fact I’ve gained weight? I excersize, drink water and I’m not cheating on carbs.
Rory says
My cheat days are quite moderate actually. Salads and a small desert. I’m not a binger.
Alex (Administrator) says
Last time we spoke was 2 weeks ago, I’m beyond surprised that you have not experienced any weight-loss. Have you been taking before and after pictures? Measuring your body fat percentage? Remember that # on the scale doesn’t effectively tell you whether you’ve lost fat or not. Your weight fluctuates for many reasons. You’ve said you’ve gained weight…do you mean that your clothes fit tighter or that the number on the scale has gone up?
rosie says
hi ! i did this diet and i could only last for 6 days but my goodness !! those 6 days were amazing !!! i dropped 6 kilos !!! not where i wanted though 🙁 all in my legs i wanted my tummy gone 🙁 but i still lost weight ! i just had trouble with work… i think i gave up because when i made my steak the night before when i bought it to work to heat up it tasted disgusting ! it went all hard and gross and the butter just got to me i felt so dirty at work ! the egg was a LITTLE easier i tried boiled… after downing 6 as fast as i could it just so hard so omlettes were the next best thing ! just wondering if there was any easier way to sticking to this cause its the easiest diet that actually truly works !
Alex (Administrator) says
Congrats on your weight-loss! Yes, unfortunately when it comes to weight-loss, the last place you burn fat is your stomach. Vice versa, this is the first place you store fat when gaining weight…
Reheating steak can change it’s texture, maybe you can try cooking it in the morning before work that way you won’t have to reheat as long. As far as the butter is concerned, if it’s getting to you, you can experiment with a different fat such as olive oil and/or coconut oil. With eggs, you can get really creative. I usually eat them scrambled for all meals one day, and then boiled the next, just to change it up. Remember that you have a cheat day every 6 days, did you have one? I saw you mentioned above that you only lasted 6 days…
rosie says
yeah ill try that!!! yeah i alsted for 6 days cause when i did my cheat day i couldnt go back ! hahaha im really excited to re do this but im just scared of failing again, i know its bullet proof that it will work and how amazing and fast the results are but still daunting, i feel like on the 3rd day the eggs are honestly just to much for me . how many eggs are you suppose to eat?, and i only hate steak and eggs as a meal once at lunch
Alex (Administrator) says
You can have up to 4-6 eggs with each meal. I’m not sure what you meant at the end there in your last sentence. What do you mean once at lunch?
Niko says
Hello! Thanks for this article. I am at my first week of this diet.
Until now its perfect,Im not hungry at all.
But still I got a few questions that I just cant find an answer online.
I am 24 and I want to keep my muscle eventually increase them. (i work out a lot)
I am 88 Kilogram.
Do I have to take the double amount of protein ? 2 grams per 1 Kilogram of body weight to not loose muscle ? Like in an ordinary diet or is it also safe to be under this number.
I eat two times a day 300/400 grams of ground beef and 3eggs all together my protein amount reaches 140 . Of course I could increase the ground beef amount but wouldnt it be a bit too much fat ? I know that we are burning fat because of zero carbs , but if the amount of fat I am taking is too much,does it influence my results ?
I would be very thankful for some advice.
Greetings from greece,
Alex (Administrator) says
Remember this diet’s focus is to BURN fat. However, many people (myself included) do gain muscle on it when lifting weights. As long as you keep working out, you shouldn’t lose any muscle while on steak and eggs. What I would recommend to you is to lose all the fat you want, first, and then focus on building muscle. “Fat” does not influence your results. What makes you gain weight is eating more calories than your body burns. This is VERY hard to do on the steak and eggs diet because not only would you have to eat a lot of steak and eggs to be in a caloric surplus, but steak and eggs also has a high thermic effect on your body. Your body has to work VERY hard to digest protein (steak and eggs) and as a result it burns a lot of calories in the process. It has been reported that your body burns up to 20% – 35% of all “protein calories” you eat. Here’s an article which talks more about it.
You’re doing good so far. Just continue the diet and keep lifting, you should be fine.
Chris says
Hey Alex- I’ve lost about 70 lbs so far on a paleo diet and just kinda hit a pleateo so i figured I’d give this steak and eggs thing a shot. So far it’s day 4 for me and I’m loving it. Steak happens to be my favorite food lol. My biggest question is once I lose my last 20-25 lbs and want to come off this diet back to a paleo diet I’m afraid of gaining any weight back. How do u suggest weaning off of this to best avoid those troubles? Also I’ve been getting sick/the runs. Any suggestions?
Alex (Administrator) says
Gaining weight on Paleo is hard to do unless you really overeat. I don’t think you’ll gain weight back as long as you practice portion control. But remember, portion control doesn’t mean to starve yourself! Make sure you eat enough calories to maintain your weight and allow yourself a couple extra calories if you’re working out. You might be getting the runs because your body isn’t accustomed to a high fat/protein diet. I’ve heard of this happening to people. The simple fix is usually drinking lots of water. How much water are you drinking daily?
John says
Hi! I’ve done a low/no carb diet once before and it worked very well, but I was always hungry. But this time, I’m not hungry – actually, I don’t feel hungry at all. (That’s a new one 🙂 )
First, do I have to eat the full portion 3/4-1lb steak and 4 eggs every meal? I get through the first meal ok, but I just am too full on the second one to eat much more than 1/2 lb and 2 eggs. Do you think this will cause a problem, or possibly my appetite will increase after a while?
Second, I cook the eggs (usually scrambled) in a healthy dose of butter (and usually throw a piece of Swiss cheese in to it as well for a little more fat), but I like to grill the steaks as opposed to frying them in butter. If I get some extra fat by using heavy cream and a piece of cheese in the eggs and a little heavy cream in the coffee, will that even out more or less?
Last, on some sites it says 4 days steak and eggs and then a cheat day, but you give 5 days then the cheat day. I think 5 is probably better to ensure I’m in ketosis, but does it make a big difference?
Alex (Administrator) says
John, congrats on your success so far with the diet. A lot of people claim they don’t feel hungry at all, just like you, when they do this diet. That’s what makes it great: You’re full and satisfied, it’s simple to follow, and the fat melts off. Below are my responses to your questions:
1) If you feel full, don’t force yourself to eat.
2) You don’t need more fat. You’re getting plenty from the steak and eggs. I would recommend you drink black coffee (no cream or sugar) only and eliminate the cheese.
3) Yes, five days of steak and eggs and one cheat day. The fat melts off when you do it this way. Four days is not enough, in my opinion.
Melissa says
I am starting today, I already lost 15 but I have been slacking with my eating and drinks and it shows in my energy! Luckily, I haven’t gained since I do workout so that helps. I would love to lose another 10-15 within 3 weeks (weighing 168 now). And continue my journey after my vacation. Do you think I would have success if I eat one scrambled egg before my am work out and then lunch and dinner? I don’t do fasted cardio because some days I do back to back classes (2 hours) usually strength with cardio or cardio and Pilates or yoga. If there really is truth behind doing exercise on an empty stomach, I can get used to it. Also wondering if I need to eat the eggs with the steak at the same time. That will be hard to do since both are so filling!
Alex (Administrator) says
Melissa, for best results, having two meals a day works best. However, you’re still going to get amazing results if you have an egg before a workout. You don’t necessary have to eat the steak and eggs at the same time. You can do one meal of just steak and another of just eggs. The best thing is too experiment and see if you still get amazing results with any tweaks and changes you make.
Noah says
Hi Alex,
Just wanna ask as organic steak is very expensive in my country, can i use Frozen Beef Cubes like those
use for stewing? and also i’m on a Bcaa supplement as well as Creatine mono.. though i know about 2 lbs of beef is about 5grms of Creatine mono..so should i discontinue my supps?
Alex (Administrator) says
I did some research on beef cubes because I had never heard of them until reading your comment. I noticed that some come with “added sugar”. Beef cubes are an acceptable option as long as they don’t have added sugar. Remember that one of the reasons this diet works incredibly well is because in contains ZERO carbohydrates. Anything with sugar has carbohydrates. Steak is always the preferred option because your body has to work hard to digest it. The harder your body works, the more calories you burn, the quicker the weight-loss. However, I know of people who substitute the steak for fish, ground beef, or chicken (other zero carbohydrate meats) and get very good results.
As far as the creatine is concerned – I know people who take creatine and also eat plenty of meat on a daily basis. I don’t think it would be necessary to discontinue it. However, that’s something you should experiment with and decide on your own. 🙂
Michael says
Hi, is there cheaper cuts of steak that you could eat. Ribeye T bone etc are rather dear to buy
Alex (Administrator) says
Michael, in my experience, any cut of steak works fine.
Michael says
Thanks, it’s been difficult to find that out, I’ve heard minced steak(ground beef) is acceptable then heard it wasn’t as the goodness and the essentials where lost when it got minced.
Alex (Administrator) says
Yes, there are many people who substitute steak for other high protein meat (fish, chicken, etc.). I explained the same thing to Noah in the comment above yours.
Michael says
Thanks you’ve helped a lot! Can’t wait to start this and feel amazing! I’m 17st and have been losing and gaining weight for months I go to the gym 3 times a week doing weights, and some cardio but I feel like I always hit a wall I’ll keep you posted on my progress thanks again man!!
Alex (Administrator) says
My pleasure, Michael.
Jane says
Hi Do I have to eat so much steak or will 8-10 0z be ok for each meal?…. Also could I do 5 days of the diet then Sat/Sun as cheat days?…. Can I drink alcohol on cheat days? Thanks
Alex (Administrator) says
Eat until you’re full. Don’t ever force yourself to eat if you’re not hungry. It’s 5 days of steak and eggs and then one cheat day. So if you start on Monday, you would cheat Saturday, and start over again on Sunday. You repeat this until you lose all the weight. Nothing is off limits on cheats days. You can drink alcohol and eat your favorite foods. Of course this doesn’t mean you should overdo it just because you can. You don’t want your cheat day to make you feel sick.
Roy says
Hey there, roy here
Very interested in this diet, i wanna do it but 2 meals a day is hard as im up 5am and go to bed 11pm
Ive been having 2 eggs with bout 3 or 4 rashes of bacon at 7am, 12pm i hav 2 eggs with 400gram steak, and around 6pm another 2eggs and 400gram steak, is this too much?
And one more thing, will having one tomato or cucumber with each steak and eggs meal ruin it?
Some advice would be awesome, thank you.
Alex (Administrator) says
I wake up at 5am myself and have black coffee and then water up until my first meal at 12pm. That helps me a LOT with my appetite. Also, most people notice that after 2 to 3 days of steak and eggs, their appetite is gone. This is due to the lack of carbohydrates. Maybe you can have one meal around 11am and the other around 6pm.
Your current meal plan is effective as well. However, it isn’t two meals a day like the diet demands. Will one tomato or cucumber ruin the diet? I highly doubt it. However, like I’ve mentioned to many other people, I like to stick to just steak and eggs, two meals a day, for optimal results. Remember, it’s only five days of the diet and then you get one day to relax and have a cheat day.
The best thing, Roy, is for you to experiment and find what works best. But I will tell you one thing…steak and eggs + 2 meals a day = lighting fast weight-loss.
Roy says
Thank u so much Alex for your helpful information, the problem with me is, i know this is stupid, but im addicted to weed for the past 6 years and i smoke it before work and after work and after gym, so a coffee will not get the painful hunger away which is why i cant help 3 meals, but i will try and see what happens, just one more thing, what herbs and seasoning and spices can i add to steak that will not affect this diet?
Thank you
Alex (Administrator) says
As long as the herbs and spices don’t have any added sugar (carbohydrates), they’re allowed. Post people add salt and pepper to their steak and eggs. It’s perfectly fine.
Roy says
But adding garlic wouldnt be good because garlic contains carbs?
Roy says
Alex, im sorry for all these dumb questions but im so uneducated on this stuff i need to ask, would cheese and milk affect the diet? I see they are lower in carbs than most veggies
Alex (Administrator) says
The only thing you should eat (if you want the best results) is steak and eggs cooked in butter. Leave the cheese and milk for the cheat day.
Kristie says
I started on the egg fast for 3 days and decided I really needed MEAT! I found the steak and egg and am on day two. My problem is I can only eat about 6-8 ounces of steak at a setting because of a surgery on my stomach that drastically limits my ability to eat too much (I had a hernia and part of my stomach was removed). I have been doing about 1lb total of steak for the entire day and 4 eggs. Because steak is so solid it limits the amount I can eat. I could eat more of pepperoni (no carbs high fat) or bacon. Is that something I can consider for 1 of my meals a day?
5-6 slices of bacon
2 eggs
6 ounces of steak
2 eggs?
36 F 5’8 259lbs.
Alex (Administrator) says
Yes, that’s fine. Many people substitute steak with other high fat meats(no carbs) and still get great results. Best of luck! 🙂
Roy says
Hey Alex, i think i need the cheat day explained abit more, because i have a bad problem with eating dessert excessively especially after not touching it for 5 days, my brain cannot stop at 1, its like it goes into some crazy state where theres no limit and if i feel a full bloated feeling from it, that does not last longer than 20 mins and cravings are back to normal dying for more chocolate. Will too much chocolate on the cheat day ruin all my efforts of steak and egg through the 5 days and bring the fat back?
Thank you, Roy.
Alex (Administrator) says
Roy, most people go overboard on cheat days and do just fine. However, in your case, I get the feeling that you may be REALLY overdoing it. If you see you’re weight is stalling with your cheat day every 6 days, you will have to show a little more self-control and cut back on the chocolate.
Barbara says
Can i put sugar in my coffee and the tea can it be rooibos tea or must it be only green tea.
Thank you
Alex (Administrator) says
No sugar. You can drink any tea as long as it contains 0 calories.
Barbara says
Thanx. I did the black coffee no sugar thing, but not for me, hahahahaha. I will rather try the rooibos tea.
Im on day 2 today.
Alex (Administrator) says
I use to love heavy cream in my coffee. After drinking black coffee for about a week (it sucked at first), it got better. Now I absolutely love black coffee and if I drink it with just a little cream, it’ll be WAY too sweet! But you can stick with rooibos tea, that’ll work just as good.
Barbara says
Never before in my life i ever drink coffee so its new to me! But i love my rooibos tea, lol. I am so happy this is day 3 and i already lost 3kg, this dieet is easy and i just love it. I need to loose 20kg and i believe that i will keep up with this dieet.
Thx Barbara
Jimmy says
Hi Alex,
Great article and great advice! I’ve heard of this diet from one of the great old-school bodybuilders, Vince Geronda. I have been following it for about a week now and have to say, I feel petty good so far. I’m wondering, though, whether or not I should still take a protein shake after my strength training/weight lifting sessions? I usually try to go hard in the gym so I include Vitargo (dextrose) in my shakes too. Do you have any comments on whether or not I should continue with that or should I just eat steak and eggs after a workout session? Thanks in advance for all your insight.
Alex (Administrator) says
My pleasure, Barbara! Keep up the AMAZING work!
Alex (Administrator) says
Stick to steak and eggs only if your goal is to lose weight. Once you get down to the BF% you want, then you can incorporate protein shakes back into your diet. Will adding a protein shake completely ruin your fat loss efforts? Probably not. However, it’s way better to play it safe, burn off all the fat you need, and then go back to protein shakes after workouts.
Jimmy says
Thank you so much for the insight, Alex! Cheers!
Alex (Administrator) says
My pleasure, Jimmy.
julian says
Hello, greeting from Mexico.
I started this diet yesterday. I have a question.
do you think it would be an issue if I eat a hot pepper with my meals?
Also, I can’t finish my plate. I’m a good eater, I usually finish whatever is in front of me but for some reason it’s hard to finish my plate, I fill up to fat and I’m afraid I’m not eating enough
oh, one more question. IM 5feet 8 inches and weight aprox 85 kilos , so that like 185 lbs
I dont look fat with my clothes on but I do have chest and belly fat. no love handles ,thank god. do you think I will be able to lose about 20 lbs in a month or so? or is that way to much weight?
Alex (Administrator) says
Julian, stick to steak and eggs ONLY. Leave the peppers for the cheat days.
You get full quick because this diet is VERY filling.
Fat and protein keep you satiated WAY longer than carbs do.
Just eat until you’re full, don’t ever force yourself to eat if you’re not hungry.
I can’t say the exact amount of weight you’ll lose in a month.
However, what I can say is that you will lose a LOT if you follow the plan correctly.
Good luck!
Barbara says
Just want to know the rooibos tea can i drink as much as i like. I love my water and drink about 2 to 3 Liters water a day, just want to make sure about the tea.
Alex (Administrator) says
As much as you like. It has 0 calories so it doesn’t harm the diet in any way.
Sham says
Hi, Thanks for the great information. I just have a quick question. I started the diet but on day 3 just threw in the towel. I found myself unable to eat the steak because of it being so dry. I have trouble even swallowing it. So because I wasn’t eating I ended up hungry and binged on day 3. I was wondering if I could add a bit of coconut milk sauce to the steak? Home made so no sugars etc or would it be better for me to use lamb instead? Thanks!
Alex (Administrator) says
It sounds like you’re over cooking the steak. Try using a little more butter and cooking it at a lower temperature. I wouldn’t recommend the coconut milk sauce unless it has absolutely no carbs.
Taryn says
Hi Alex. This diet sounds great to me because although I’m not a fan of steak I’m a huge fan of lamb. I generally get busy during the day so only really eat two meals per day. The problem is that I stay away from the fatter meats because of the whole high calorie issue. I try to eat at a deficit-my body fat percentage is quite high. I’m eager to try this but I think whats scary for me is that I’m worried about gaining with all the extra calories. For me to stay at the deficit I have to stick to pretty lean meats. I only do weight training 3 times a week for about an hour at a time and I’m not very strong. Does this diet require more intense exercise to balance the high caloric intake?
Alex (Administrator) says
Most people on the diet get a SURGE of energy and are motivated to workout. You should always workout, but in the case that you don’t, I’d still say you’d notice quick fat-loss with this diet. Lamb is an acceptable substitute. A lot of people use other meats instead of steak such as salmon, pork, ground beef, etc. Do they get the same results as someone who eats steak?…I can’t say because I’m not sure. However, try it and see how it works for you. I personally have never done the diet with any other meat besides steak. Regarding the “calories issue” – that’s one of the great things about this diet – the fact that you don’t need to concern yourself with that. Just eat the recommended amount in the article and watch the weight fall off. Let me know how your results are with lamb as I’m sure it’ll help other people with your same question.
Kertus says
Steak and eggs will give you your protein and fats, but what about your carbs? A high protein diet results in lower testosterone.
Furthermore, make sure you’re eating grass-fed meat otherwise the cow will be fed with soy and be filled with phytoestrogens. There will also be synthetic estrogens injected into the cow to increase growth.
If you’re concerned about your testosterone levels, be sure to get plenty of green leafy vegetables because they contain high levels of DIM, which is an estrogen blocker.
Be sure to eat lots of oats and quinoa as well, as these contain saponin, which is a natural steroid that works better than synthetic steroids but are much safer.
Alex (Administrator) says
A high body fat % increases estrogen production. One who is overweight should be primarily focused on eliminating body fat ASAP, not their testosterone levels. With that said, this diet allows a cheat day every 6th day. Meaning that you won’t go without carbs. for an extended period of time. Many people who do this diet actually claim to have an increase in their testosterone levels when they do blood work. Remember, a lot of the information on the internet can be misleading. This is why it’s best for one to try something before assuming it won’t work.
Nick says
Is it imperative to eat eggs at both meals? I need to pack a lunch and I’m not a fan of hard-boiled eggs, so I was wondering if eating steak and scrambled eggs for the first meal and then just eating steak or chicken for the second meal would still work.
Alex (Administrator) says
That should be fine. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
Vanessa says
Hi I’m getting married in 57 days!!!!! We just got engaged and my future husband has surprised me with a new year wedding eeekkkk so j need fast weight lost. I weigh 15st and I need to look good in a dress. On this diet how much weight are people loseing a week? I need help please xxxx
Alex (Administrator) says
Congratulations, Vanessa! The weight-loss on this diet is FAST. Everyone is different but what I hear the most is weight-loss of 3-4 lbs. a week. Remember that you shouldn’t focus on the number on the scale. Many things influence your weight (fat loss, water retention, whether you’ve gone to the bathroom or not, muscle gain, etc.). Take before and after pictures each week and the difference will be evident. Good luck!
carrie says
hi carrie here I have done the steak and egg diet for
5 days I notice My body feeling like it in a pebble sweat all the time I realize it is fat burning I have lost 11 pounds am I doing something wrong I started out 190lbs and i’m 5’9 I feel great and I do have a very active job maybe i’m not drinking enough h20.. can you give me any advice… I’m glad I found your blog. Good stuff!!
Alex (Administrator) says
Hi Carrie, so you’re concern is that you feel hot and are sweating?…And water is always important, regardless of the diet you’re doing. How much water would you say you’re drinking daily?
carrie says
Probably 3 quarts and 2 cups of greentea and 2cups of black coffee…
Alex (Administrator) says
It seems like you’re getting enough water. However, I’ve heard how one cup of coffee requires you to drink two cups of water in order to re-hydrate. The reason being that coffee works as a diuretic. Green tea also has some caffeine in it.
carrie says
Maybe my body is just adjusting to this high protien… I can deal with the pebbly sweat..it feels like I just worked out..if that makes sense. .. thanks for the info.. I will try and drink more h2o and less caffeine. Thanks again the info throughout is Awsome…
Alex (Administrator) says
My pleasure, Carrie.
Pat says
Would a tbsp. of wheat grass be okay…3 g of fiber and 2 g of net carbs…plus over 300 mgs of potassium?
Alex (Administrator) says
Pat, I generally don’t recommend anything outside of steak, eggs, and butter. With that said, you might still get favorable results even if you added wheat grass.
Chance says
Will this diet be expensive?
Alex (Administrator) says
Chance, I guess that would depend on where you live and how much you’re used to spending on food on a daily basis. Since you’re only eating steak and eggs, I find that it usually balances out and I end up spending about the same money I would on regular groceries. The higher quality steak you buy, the more it’ll cost. Just try to buy grass fed steak if you can. However, at the end of the day, any steak will work as far as fat loss is conerned.
Pat says
On average what time in the afternoon do u have u r first meal and what time in the evening do u have u r second meal?
Alex (Administrator) says
I typically have my first meal around 1pm. Coffee curbs my appetite all morning up until that time. My second meal is usually between 6pm and 7pm. This works well for me. I’m never hungry.
Robyn says
Hi Alex, I saw another site that says 5 days on with 2 cheat days. Can you get the same results this way? Thanks.
Robyn says
Hi Alex, I saw another site that says 5 days on with 2 cheat days. Can you get the same results this way? Also, being female, do I need to worry about an increase in testosterone?
Alex (Administrator) says
2 cheat days is far too much in my opinion. The testosterone increase shouldn’t be a concern. You won’t be doing this diet for long. Just until you lose all your desired weight.
JC says
Hi alex, thanks for the great article. Ive been looking the steak and egg diet for a while now and thinking on giving it a try. Im presently on a cutting cycle following a carb / calorie cycling diet and so far i’m pretty satisfied with the results. Im preparing for my first physique competition on December 23rd, this being the reason in searching for a faster fat loss diet while maintaining as much muscle as possible. Being a bit paranoid here so I need your advise. Do you think I should start with the steak and egg diet now (with fear of screwing up my progress if it doesnt work for me) or should I stick with my current diet and wait after the show (now thinking what if I shifted with s&e would the fat loss been much effective). Im torn man! And im running out of time. Thanks!
Alex (Administrator) says
Steak and eggs is another form of carb cycling since there’s a cheat day every 6th day. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who can make the decision of what you do and don’t do. I personally (and many other people) have experienced a ton of energy, motivation, and even muscle gain on steak and eggs. But only you will truly know the results you’ll get if you decide to try it. Best of luck in your competition.
Tadei says
Hi can i eat mayonnaise with this diet?
Alex (Administrator) says
No. Mayonnaise is only allowed on your cheat day.
Tadei says
Hi do i need to drink only water because today my friend in fitnes recomend me the Arizona green tea dfrom Walmart with all 0.
Calorie 0
Total fat 0
saturated fat 0
trans fat 0
cholesterol 0
Sodium 10mg
Total carbohydrate <1g
sugars <1g
protein 0
Vitamin C 25%
Contains a small amount of honey
What do you say about that?
Alex (Administrator) says
Not allowed. Only water, black coffee, and unsweetened tea without honey or anything else. The label sould read 0 everything. 1> isnt’t allowed. Save it for your cheat day for best results.
Leslie says
I been on this steak and eggs diet for around a month and one week and I did lose 8-10 pounds. The problem is through my 3rd-5th week I noticed that my weight has remained constant and I dont seem to be losing any more weight. I’m eating 2 meals of steak and eggs a day with one cheat day and I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong. Has anyone experience the same thing as me? Or is there anyone that can give me some tips?
Alex (Administrator) says
Leslie, this diet is high in protein and as a result, many people gain muscle while on it. I suggest taking pictures every week and also going by how your clothes fits you. Many people experience this with all other kinds of diets as well. Sometimes the number on the scale doesn’t move but their overall body fat percentage continues to decrease.
Linda says
Hi there!
I am on day 2 if this diet and have a question.
I had to re-read the guidelines if this diet and it says it is a Zero carb diet.
That said..Eggs have carbs, and the carb count will increase when we eat
3-6 eggs per 2 meals.
What makes this Zero carbs?
Alex (Administrator) says
Eggs have <1 carb. It's insignificant.
Linda says
Thanks for your reply Alex. I have made it to day 3 and so far so good.
I haven’t jumped on the scale yet, im waiting til friday.
I am not having any problems with just eating steak and eggs like i thought i would so i made some baked meatballs and they were amazing.
Im trying to come up with different fatty meats to try to change it up.
Thank u again for answering my egg question. I may take in a couple of carbs according to a tracker im using.
Alex (Administrator) says
No problem, Linda. Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have. A lot of people substitute steak for other fatty meats and claim to get great results. I’ve never done it so I can’t say. Best of luck!
Linda says
One more question for today Alex.
I find that the minimum serving of
3/4 lb of steak is a lot for me but i still eat it. I don’t dare attempt to eat more than that.
Is it ok to eat lets say less than 3/4 lb of meat and still have good reaults?
Alex (Administrator) says
Yes, that’s fine. Don’t ever force yourself to eat if you’re full.
Linda says
Alex Alex Alex…
I gotta say thati am craving a can of diet Pepsi which has Zero cals and zero everything else too. I hate unsweetened tea and although I’ve always drank lots of water..im going nuts. Just thought I’d ck in with ya
Alex (Administrator) says
Have I ever drank diet pepsi while on steak and eggs? No.
Will it affect your results? I highly doubt it.
While I don’t recommend it, I don’t see a reason why it would make any difference.
Linda says
Thnx Alex. I did not give in! Im going to stay committed to this diet and wait until tomorrows bbq at big bear lake!
You Rock!
Alex (Administrator) says
My pleasure, Linda.
Aditya Singh says
Hi Alex! Great article. I was really fat. I lost around 18 kgs in 10 months (clean carbs, fat a bit and chicken). I couldn’t get past it however. A bodybuilder who is currently representing India in musclemania suggested me this diet – chicken and eggs. The results were fast But there were no cheat days. He asked me to do it 45 days straight. He increased my chicken 50 grams per week and told me to quit cardio. I failed after 35 days and gained weight. I was depressed. The results were fast in the beginning but eventually it slowed down. I gained some muscle though inspite my calories being very low. I was worried about muscle loss. Eating steak is impossible for me right now even if I wanted because my family won’t allow me as I’m a Hindu. I wish I could though. I can just eat chicken. Will chicken work the same as steak? And do you recommend having a fiber supplement and Psyllium husks?
Alex (Administrator) says
Many people substitute steak with another meat. I’ve never done it so I can’t talk from experience. Give it a shot and see how it goes. Regarding fiber, everyone is different. I do recommend you drink plenty of water which will help you stay regular. You can take a fiber supplement if you’d like. I just drink plenty of water to prevent constipation.
Aditya Singh says
According to Vince Gironda water should not be taken with meals and pre,intra,post workout. What’s your take on that? And do you recommend cheat days on rest days or working days?
Alex (Administrator) says
One thing I’ve noticed with this diet is that everyone tweaks it a little bit and still has amazing results. Me personally, I drink water all day and still experienced fast weight-loss.
Regarding cheat days, it’s up to you. It’s always nice to rest on your cheat days. However, if you are going to workout on your cheat day, I recommend working out first and then cheating. This way your muscles benefit from the excess calories/carbs.
Aditya Singh says
What about calories? Will I still lose weight if I exceed my maintainance calorie ?
Alex (Administrator) says
Its very hard to do that with steak and eggs for two reasons: 1) its very filling 2) the thermogenic effect of protein. Protein has a 25% thermogenic effect. So this means, 25% of the protein calories you eat will be burned off automatically just digesting your food. You’d have to eat A LOT of steak and eggs, plus be in bed all day in order to surpass maintenance calories.
Aditya Singh says
Thanks for the quick reply. I have started the diet. 400 grams of chicken per meal cooked in butter and coconut oil and 5 eggs per meal. I take some ghee (clarified butter) as well. It was so rich that it took me 30 mins to eat it. I drink 3 litres of water in the morning and 3-4 litres between 1st and second meal. I’ll update after 3-4 weeks. Let’s see how it works
Alex (Administrator) says
Awesome. Keep us posted. Good luck!
Ros says
Hi Alex, Apologies up front for being long winded……but have been struggling to lose fat for the past 13 months. I have been committed, and disciplined but put on 5 kg, and gained body fat…my measurements have gone up considerably. I wondered that I was eating too much fat…. having 4 tablespoons of coconut oil as well as butter on foods act. I feel lost as to what to do…..I came across your website yesterday. Read about Steak and Eggs diet and started it today….not 100% sure of the rules till now. I don’t exercise. What risk is there by not exercising. I had a total hip replacement 3 years ago….am 56 yrs old… I am 86 kg. Put on 15 since my surgery….I am not a couch potato, am busy all day long,but not aerobically…. I have a bull worker that I do like to use….when I make the effort to use it…and a stationary bike. I don’t want wasted muscles….like I had in my left butt…due to being unable to walk properly for several years. I MUST lose weight for my titanium friend (hip joint) to last. My dear mother had 5 hip replacements and a knee replacement and was 120 – 140 kg….her hips only lasted 5-6 years each…. she was 40 with her first hip, and died of MRSA in 2011:( anyways….I believe in the benefits of LC and healthy fat…. Can I overeat fat? If overeating steak, won’t it turn into glucose? affecting the insulin response? Hence no fat loss?? I’m not totally clear on all the ins and outs….I just need something to work….and not to be complicated for now. Doing the LCHF my blood glucose is between 4.1 – 5.0, my ketones averaged 0.7 and my ph 7.25. When you reach your goal weight….and I guess eat more balanced low carb diet….wont your body just put it all back on again? One more question…there is a website that says the diet consists of steak and egg and 1 glass of red wine at night. Is that acceptable? Thank you so much for your taking the time to read my essay:) Ros
Alex (Administrator) says
Ros, I am not a doctor and cannot tell you what to do. This is a diet which has helped many people lose weight. I personally lost a ton of weight on it. However, you and I are different people. No, your body will not put on all the weight back again if you eat carbs. Eating more calories than your body burns will put on weight. I’ve never added a cup of red wine while doing this diet so I cannot say. It’s very hard to overeat on this diet as steak and eggs is VERY filling.
Ros says
Thank you Alex for replying. I really appreciate it. I understand you are not a doctor…..lol….I guess my message was information overload…..it gets very confusing out there….such contradictory advise from all directions ….anyway……I did start doing the steak and eggs on Sunday 8 May at 86 kg. After 4 days (including today) I am now 82 kg. Very encouraging….its the first time since doing LCHF that weight went down:) I am finding that I get hungry by around 3 or 4 pm…so am having a cup of tea with some cream in it….. Can I ask you to explain what the cheat days are all about, how necessary they are and why they are recommended to do? I was getting very confused reading websites about this….and leptin? Because I don’t understand it properly I feel like it’s the wrong thing to do….to eat carbs that is….. like rice, pasta, potato and sugary things like fruits etc… I have spent the past 14 months staying off it….I would like to understand the purpose behind it. Would you be able to advise me? Many thanks Ros
Alex (Administrator) says
Cheat days reset leptin levels. Leptin is a fat burning hormone in your body. When dieting, they tend to drop after about 4-5 days. A cheat day every 6th day will help you make fast progress. Of course, don’t stuff your face until you throw up. But enjoy any foods you love. Then start another 5 days of steak and eggs. Repeat until thin.
Carrie says
Hi there, Can i do this diet without a cheat day? I dont exercise as i am a single mom of three with no time and then at night im completely done in.
Im worried if i dont exercise i probably shouldn’t have the cheat day or is this irrelevant? Do you gain weight after the cheat day….like reverse all your hard work. I have started the diet yesterday and have an operation in just over a week and so was going to do it until then, what do you think?
Carrie says
Hi there, Can i do this diet without a cheat day? I dont exercise as i am a single mom of three with no time and then at night im completely done in.
Im worried if i dont exercise i probably shouldn’t have the cheat day or is this irrelevant? Do you gain weight after the cheat day….like reverse all your hard work. I have started the diet yesterday and have an operation in just over a week and so was going to do it until then, what do you think?
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Alexander Writer says
Cheat days are necessary for a “mental break” from dieting and to reset leptin levels. Just don’t eat until you throw up. Eat whatever you want that day. But dont eat more than you want to just because you can. A cheat day is a day off from dieting that has both mental and physical benefits.
Michael says
OK, so I read the article and all of the comments. I decided to try it. I have never been on a diet. I am 6’4, 268 lbs with a large frame so I hold my weight fairly well. I went out and bought several days worth of 15 oz steaks, butter and organic eggs. I started Friday the 24th of June. As of this morning 27 June I was 258 lbs!! I am active and usually run at least 2 miles a day and lately a 30 minute stationary bike session in the evening. Don’t forget tons of water!!! All I can say is this diet is amazing and two of may favorite foods!! I will check in again in a week or so for another update. Thanks Alex, you ROCK!!
Alexander Writer says
Amazing work, Michael! You’re doing great and the fat is melting off you! Keep us posted with your progress!
P.S. – 30 minute bike sessions do wonders for fat loss.
Michael says
I forgot to tell you all that I will be 48 in a couple months! So, you are never too old….and only as old as you feel!
Alexander Writer says
Life is just getting started, Michael. 😉
Darren says
Are whey&water protein shakes allowed before/after workouts?
Alexander Writer says
Only on cheat days. Besides that, it’s steak, eggs, and butter ONLY.
Darren says
I’ve recently heard good things about this diet, but for most people who lift weights 4-6 days a week, the standard recommendation is 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body-weight per day. Will this diet hit that goal without extra protein supplementation? Or should I be less concerned about hitting the protein target while on this diet?
Alexander Writer says
The good news is that steak and eggs contain a good amount of protein. It ultimately depends on how many eggs you eat and also what steak you buy. A single egg has 6 grams of protein while steak varies depending on which type you buy. If you’re doing this diet to burn fat, I suggest not worrying too much about the protein and just keep lifting weights until you lose all the fat you want. Then, you can return back to tracking your protein intake.
Robyn Carter says
Hi Alex, I’m a 220 lb female and am starting today. I mixed mayo in my eggs to make egg salad with my steak. There were no carbs in the mayo. Is that ok to have? Also 12 oz of steak is too much for me. I find myself full and uncomfortably stuffed. Can I be successful not eating that much meat? I think 8 to 10 oz would be satisfying.
Alexander Writer says
Hi Robyn, there’s been a lot of people who have mixed a zero carb food item into this diet and have still had great results. I can’t say from experience because I only eat steak and eggs when I do it myself. But, if you do it and still get great results, then that’s all the matters. In my honest opinion, as long as it’s 0 carb, I don’t think that it should affect your progress.
However, be VERY careful because there are food items who can legally claim “0 carbs” when in reality each serving is close to 1 carb. If that’s the case with mayonnaise and you use it often, it can potentially interfere with your progress. You’ll probably still lose weight, just not as much or as fast as you would if you ate steak and eggs only.
Dan says
This is the best site for this diet I have come across. Very positive and helpful so Thank you!
I started this plan yesterday (lost 6.5 pounds overnight) which I am sure is water, but still. I weigh (ugh) 269 now. and I need to be about 160 though I look and feel good at 175. I have metabolic disorder because of what I call “serial dieting”. Every plan you can think of I have tried with the packaged food plans at about 100 calories each full of soy and artificial sweeteners being the worst. Up, down, up, down, I have lost and regained the same 45 pounds since 2012 when this became a problem at least a half a dozen times now never getting below 225. I hope this works. Atkins I tried a few times and I find I plateau on Induction after about 10 days and it stays that way for weeks. I have seen different sites that say you stay on 4 days then off, 5 days then off a day and even 6 days then off a day. I thought I would try to simplify it by starting Sunday and making the same day on Saturdays the cheat day. I am sure I can do 6 days but is there any reason not to do that many in a row? I bulk up really easy at least and build muscle fast but that deters me because I see the scale going up at times even though I know it is muscle mass. It’s the fat over it I tend to focus on.
Alexander Writer says
Dan, glad to hear I’ve been able to help you. Thanks for the kind words! I recommend you do exactly what you’re planning to do – use every Saturday as your cheat day. It makes things easier and it’s also best to have your cheat day on a weekend day. Best of luck!
Dan says
Thanks Alex! Appreciate the support. I’ll post back if you want with my results come Saturday. Not hungry at all but feeling kind of spacey. Total loss on my work day/lack of concentration. Oh well, I am sure it will pass.
Alexander Writer says
Perfect. Yeah, report back and let me know how it goes!
Dan says
I did it. 6 days with zero carbs and I think if someone cut me right now I’d bleed beef!
What I learned from doing this: There is a reason why you should probably rotate after 4 or 5 days max. It wasn’t that it was hard from a hunger or cravings stance, I wasn’t hungry nor did I have a single craving. I found that I ate less and less each passing day. I don’t think I got over 3/4-1 lb of steal total a day after day 2 and never over 8 eggs total. So I was probably eating well below my recommended caloric intake but I just wasn’t that hungry in fact, I had to choke down my ribeye last night and it was delicious if that makes sense, :). The difficult part for was I am not that big of a red meat eater to begin with so I new that would get old for me fast and it did (please don’t revoke my man card!) BUT it WORKED. Boy did it work.
I lost 14.6 pounds in those 6 days. I cannot imagine that could all be water and wish I could have found my body fat caliper to have measured, but I’ve misplaced it. I’ll measure it this coming week for sure. Now that the refeed day has come, I am almost terrified to put a single carb in my mouth after all of that hard work. Well, I say hard, it was mostly just the little/no variety of food that I found hard going 6 days. I will be doing this now until I hit my goal weight, but I need to reevaluate if doing it 6 days straight is worth it or not. Hard to complain though with those results! Thanks again Alex for the support and for your great blog here.
Dan says
A few typos in my original post- new = knew. A tip I wanted to pass on as well. Salt your food a lot and take a magnesium and potassium supplement if you find you are having issues sleeping. It will balance your electrolytes. Or take a 1/2 tsp. of sea salt in water at bedtime. Worked like a charm.
Alexander Writer says
Dan, your comment is music to my ears! The reason you don’t get hungry (or cravings) on this diet is because “fats” and “protein” are very satiating. They both keep you full (especially if combined) a lot longer than carbs do.
Don’t fear putting carbs in your mouth on your cheat day. You’re burning so much fat on your steak and eggs day that you would have to eat until you literally feel sick on your cheat day in order for it to negatively affect you.
Remember that cheat days help reset leptin levels and also help replenish glycogen in your muscles. So, don’t be scared. Take a day off to relax and enjoy some of your favorite foods, bud. Keep us posted with your results. I’m excited to see how much more fat you BURN! 🙂
Mike K says
Great article! I have been on a ketogenic diet for most of this year and it’s worked wonders. However, as i’m pretty much down to the last 10 pounds (and by 10 pounds, I mean 10 pounds of pure fat!) I think I will try this to see if it will work for me. As with most people, the concern here is fiber, but I also take gummy fiber supplements, so hopefully that should be fine.
As far as “cheat” days go, how about a cheat meal instead? I tend not to cheat the whole day (when I do allow a cheat day, which is usually every 2 weeks or so.)
Anyhow, I’ll keep you posted on my progress by end of this month. Currently weighing in at 171.8.
Alexander Writer says
Great job, Mike. I’m sure you’ll drop those last 10 lbs. in no time. Sure, you can do a cheat meal instead of a cheat day. However, the good thing about a cheat day is that you get a break from steak and eggs. So, maybe have a cheat meal and then eat healthy the rest of the day instead of eating steak and eggs. Best of luck!
Dan says
As someone coming up on 2 weeks, trust me Mike, take the cheat day! I admittedly over did it and because it was a long weekend I “felt entitled” to take 2 cheat days. Dumb move and I paid for it on Monday. I felt so sick from carbs it was like a hangover. Had I just done the 1 day, I’m sure it would have been fine. I’ll post my second week’s weight on Saturday, but I’m sure it won’t be almost -15 pounds again.
Alexander Writer says
I agree with Dan. Take the cheat day!
Alexander Writer says
Remember that “cheating” doesn’t mean eating until you feel sick. A cheat day is basicLly a day off dieting. Eat what you want, when you want. Just don’t eat EXTRA on purpose just because you can. You want to enjoy your cheat day, not feel sick and regret it.
Mike K says
Thanks guys… I’ll definitely take the cheat day in that case… I just won’t overdo it! Pizza, and perhaps some fried rice will be enough!… just not the whole pizza! HAHA….
I’ll keep you posted on progress!
Alexander Writer says
Let us know how it goes, Mike!
Mike K says
Hi there!
Just a little update… as of this morning, I’m at 167.4, a loss of 4.4 pounds. I decided to taper off the veggies slowly, and went full on earlier this week. Weight loss was minimal until this week.. looks like it’s working pretty well! I am also taking some fiber supplements since I tend to have some issues in that department. So far, it’s been fine… yesterday, I bought some pre-cut pineapple from whole foods as a mini cheat day.. it was glorious! LOL… these days, fruit is my dessert, so it’s always a treat to have something so sugary!
Just an fyi, I workout about 4-5x a week, doing a combo of kettlebells, crossfit and running on a treadmill.. so other than eliminating vegetables, nothing else changed… once I get down to around 160, I plan to do a dexa fat scan to see what remains…
Thanks Alex.. I’ll keep you posted!
Alexander Writer says
This is music to my ears, Mike! I can relate to your comment about pineapple being glorious after eating clean for a couple of days LOL! Keep up the good work, bud!
Jen says
How do you make sure you get the enough daily required nutrients during the day? also can you take shark cartilage supplements during this diet? If you don’t work out but (due to medical reasons) but need to lose weight, can you still do this diet? thank you!
mike says
Can you eat cheese on the steak and egg diet? It’s really just another form of fat and protein right?
Alexander Writer says
Steak, eggs, and butter only. Leave cheese for the cheat day for best results.
Bryan says
Can I incorporate veggies like garlic, onion, peppers, herbs, and tomatoes into the steak and eggs? For flavor mostly I don’t see how it would effect the diet greatly as there’s very few carbs and sugar. Tomatoes might have too much.
Alexander Writer says
Will it make a diference regarding your results? Probably not.
However, I can’t say from experience because when I follow this plan, I follow it the way I wrote about it in the article.
Shaun says
These comments are a case study in unnecessarily trying to complicate a simple thing LOL – Beef and eggs only!
How could you not like this simplicity?
Alexander Writer says
That’s my favorite part of the diet, Shaun, the simplicity. I am in and out of the supermarket in 5 minutes, the weight melts off, and I feel full all day. Best of luck with the diet, let me know how it goes and if you have any questions!
Okimiel says
I am starting this diet from today
Can I drink milk? coffee with milk (non sugar)?
Can I use brown sauce / BBQ sauce on steak?
Can I use pork? or maybe porkbelly?
Can I use margarine instead of butter? I brought margarine because I tought it was butter… My bad
My brother is very fat, weight is about 120kgs. Based on experience, how much weight he can loss in 2 weeks?
Thank you!
Alexander Writer says
You can only eat steaks and eggs on this diet. That means no milk, brown sauce/BBQ sauce. All of these things will interfere with the fat burning process. Leave those items for your cheat day. I’ve never used pork as a substitute for steak, so I can’t say. However, I’d recommend you only use steak and eggs if possible. Margarine is an acceptable substitute for butter. Best of luck!
Okimiel says
Hi Alexander,
Tonight is my second day of diet, but my weight gain 1 Kilogram. I drink about 3 liters mineral water everyday, i eat about 300-350 grams beef steak each meal and 3 eggs half boiled, everyday 2 meals and black coffee 1 mug everyday
I am using margarine cooking steak (1 spoon each meal)
I panfry mix between top sirloin and tenderloin each meal
I only use salt and blackpepper for seasoning
Why am I gaining weight? Did i do some mistakes?
Can I use rosemary while cooking steak? garlic? lemon?
Thank you!
Alexander Writer says
When did you weigh yourself? Did you eat or drink anything before weighing yourself? Did you go to the bathroom first before weighing yourself?
okimiel says
I weight my self about 3 hours ago, and I weight my self before I started this diet
I didnt go to bathroom for 2 days
I eat about 7 hours ago
Normaly, people loss weight at how many days after start this diet?
Alexander Writer says
Weigh yourself tomorrow in the morning after you go to the bathroom. Don’t eat or drink anything before weighing yourself.
Dan says
Hi Alex!
I am back. I posted last year and had great success with the plan but I got so tired of beef and eggs, admittedly that I went off the rails on one of my cheat days and never went back on plan until now. I think (again) I was so fearful of having the cheat day that I over-thought the plan as I do everything, and I failed long term. No excuses this time and I came back to post to hold myself accountable. The last time I lost over 20 pounds in less than 2 weeks. I’ve only re-gained 7 but still, seven is seven! I can’t afford to gain or regain anything. So I hope I am welcomed back and that I can post my results again as it really helps.
Alexander Writer says
Hey Dan, we all fall off the wagon sometimes. Forget about it, it’s in the past. Yes, post your results. It helps you and everyone else who reads these comments. Go get em tiger!
okimiel says
Last time I was ill and stop this program
Then I started it again about last week
7 days and I lost about 6 kilograms…
Alexander Writer says
My pleasure, Okimiel.
Dan says
I don’t know how I could have gained 1/2 lb. over the first week, but I did. The only things I can think of is too much salt or not enough food. It wasn’t because I overate, that’s for sure!
Alexander Writer says
When did you weigh yourself? What time of the day?
Dan says
I weighed in on the morning of day 6, around 5:30 AM. Had my cheat day anyway and then a day later dropped 8 pounds. So all is good! Not sure what the hell the delay was. 🙂
Alexander Writer says
That’s great to hear, Dan. It sounds like it was definitely some water weight. Sometimes, our bodies hold onto water when we introduce it to a new diet. The best advice I can give you it to take pictures every week and base your results off that instead of the number on the scale. Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day and confuse you about your progress. For example, if you drink 16 oz. of water right now and step on the scale, you’ll be one pound heavier. But, as soon you go to the bathroom, you’ll weigh less.
Shirley says
Hi Alex, Can I use splenda in my coffee? What is the average amount of weight do people typically lose in a 2 week period? I’m starting this on Monday..need to lose 20 lbs..also after I get to goal..how do I incorporate eating some carbs?
Alexander Writer says
Splenda is fine. The average amount of weight varies depending on age, weight, activity level, etc. However, everyone reports back FAST weight-loss when trying this diet. When you lose all the weight you want, don’t fear eating carbs. Just make effort to eat at a caloric maintenance for the weight you want to maintain and stay active.
Shirley says
Hi Alex, starting this today and I’m going to be eating breakfast & Dinner. Is this ok I’m confused because every steak & Egg article reads different. I would rather do it breakfast & Dinner..also you responded to me that after goal weight not to fear carbs but keep calorie amount to maintain..how many calories would that be?
Alexander Writer says
Hi Shirley,
Yes, your meal plan (Breakfast & Dinner) is fine. Regarding your question about calories, what’s your goal weight that you’d like to maintain?
Shirley says
I would like to maintain at 140 to 145
Alexander Writer says
The rule of thumb is to multiply your desired weight by 10. So, for 140 and 145, you would eat either 1400 calories (14 x 10) or 1450 calories (14 x 15). However, keep in mind that you can eat MORE calories as long as you BURN them. You can eat 1700 today, as long as you burn 300 by the end of the day. You follow me?
Shirley says
Yes Alex I understand. I appreciate you getting back to me with all my questions. Just started today and I’m glad I can do breakfast & Dinner.Lol don’t think I could do if only few hrs in between…I’m soooooo full!
Alexander Writer says
Excellent. Best of luck!
Mia says
Would 6 days of steak and eggs be too long to go without carbs? I would like my cheat day to always fall on Sunday.
Alexander Writer says
Hi Mia,
No, that’s fine. Just an extra day of fat burning! 😉
Enjoy your cheat days on Sundays without any worries.
Gavin says
Its the steak and Eggs and Tough Shit Diet…get on with it!
Mooo..I’m hungry!!
Alexander Writer says
Your mind is hungry, your stomach is fine. Power through and burn that fat off!
Justin says
I’ve seen different variations of this diet. Some say have your cheat day on day 5 others day 6, does it matter? Some say have a cheat meal not a cheat day?
Alexander Writer says
Hi Justin,
The difference between having a cheat day every 5th day instead of 6th day is minimal. You can have a cheat day or cheat meal, it’s up to you. If you choose cheat day, just don’t overdue it until the point you feel like throwing up. Eat what you want on these days, but don’t eat just to eat. Does that make sense?
Justin says
Does the beef have to be grass fed, antibiotic and hormone free for this diet to be effective? If I waited until day 7 to have my cheat day, would that be too long to be on just steak/eggs without carbing up? That way my cheat day will be the same every week.
Alexander Writer says
Hi Justin,
No, it doesn’t. Fat-loss will be the same with or without grass fed, antibiotic and hormone free beef. Regarding your cheat day question, it’s perfectly fine to do it on the same day every week. I had my cheat days every Sunday so I could enjoy good food while watching football games. Also, Sunday is typically a day to relax. Nothing like some good food on a lazy Sunday. Best of luck with your weight-loss goals!
Justin says
Not sure if you can help on this particular topic. I wanted to ask how do you afford just eating steak 12 times a week. I know ground beef is an option but, I wanted to know if they were any tips or tricks on affording steak. Thanks
Alexander Writer says
Hi Justin,
The best thing I can suggest is to keep an eye out for discounts. If you don’t have luck with discounts, stick to ground beef.
Jonathan says
Hello, I was wondering if I could eat just one meal a day with this, I know people complain about there not being three but although me being big, I hardly eat.. So I was wondering if one meal a day could still help me lose weight, thank you in advance
Alexander Writer says
Hi Jonathan,
You sure can! Read this article I wrote all about it.
Siri says
Hi Alex, greetings from Germany. I could finally lay my hands on ground ecological beef. Yay. A kg of beef steak in Germany is 37Euro.wuf. To my question though: I’m femail. 40years old and weighs 64kg. Wish weight is 58kg. I manage fitness studio 2 times a week and hour each lifting weights. How many eggs and kg of ground beef should I be eating? How many grams of butter should I eat a day? Is this diet recommended for women long term with the increase in testosteron?
Thank you Alex. I was so happy to stumble on your blog and can’t believe you find time to reply to all questions. God bless you for helping all of us here.
Alexander Writer says
Hi Siri,
You can eat anywhere from 3-6 eggs per meal and 6-10 oz of steak. You’ll find that you get full pretty quick when eating steak and eggs as both foods are extremely filling. Best of luck!
Justin says
Hey Alexander, so I started my groundbeef and egg diet last Thursday, weighed in @ 240 lbs. I had grounbeef and eggs with every meal except for 2 of them. 1 meal was actually steak & eggs & the 2nd was bacon & eggs. My cheat day was Monday. stomach felt upset after my first 2 cheat meals but as the day went on it went away. To my surprise I weighed in today and I was @ 235lbs after 4 days of dieting and 1 day carbing up I lost 5 lbs, pretty cool. Tomorrow I’m going to start drinking green tea (no carbs) and hopefully I’ll be able to burn some extra calories before my next weigh in. Not to be graphic but did not have a bowel movement until my cheat day, just wondering is that normal while being on this diet? Yesterday was the first day I went to the gym since being on the diet and I thought I would feel stronger since I was ingesting carbs but I felt weak and didn’t have a whole lot of energy. I apologize for writing so much but just wanted to give details for others on the diet. Thanks
Steve says
Loving the diet but I was wondering if adding a little steak seasoning will make a difference. It’s just ground up pepper, garlic and salt you buy in stores. Less than 46g in a bottle, so was wondering if a pinch of this is okay?
Alexander Writer says
Hi Steve,
Does it have any grams of sugar or carbs?
Steve says
There’s 35g Carb and 8g Sugar per 100g. Only 46g per bottle, only using a few pinches
Alexander Writer says
I would eliminate it. It’s going to defeat the purpose of steak and eggs. Power through, you can do this.
Siri says
Hello Alex,
It’s me again. My question this time is if one can under eat on this diet. I can only manage 2 eggs and 100g of beef per meal. I can’t get more down. Is that too little? Will it have negative impact on my weight loss?
Thank you once more.
Alexander Writer says
No, thats fine. Don’t ever force yourself to eat if you’re full.
Siri says
Oh! That was fast. Thank you very much!
Justin says
Hi Alexander, how can I contact you regarding questions I have about the Demon Diet Book that I purchased?
Alexander Writer says
Hi Justin,
Esther says
Hi Alex
Thanks for tips on this diet.
I will be trying it in a week. I wanted to know if I can do it without any exercise at all? I’m just home all day no gym. And also I’m in South Africa Johannesburg, we use Kgs here, so how much is
6-10 oz on kg?
Kind regards
Alexander Writer says
Hi Esther,
You don’t have to exercise for this diet to work, but you’d get better results if you at least walked 30 mins. every. I recommend finding an free ounce to kg converter in Google to know how much steak you should eat.
Olivia says
Hi Alex
I eat prettty good hardly any cheat meals have been on keto for a few weeks which was pretty good came across this and Would love to try this challenge to see the results!
Kinda Did start it this week but have been having whey protein shakes and some seafood.. so from next week will do exactly what you say! Steak & eggs N no shakes😉
What would the results after a week usually be?
I don’t exactly care about weight as it dosent always show proper results
Care more about dropping bf%
Cheers Olivia
Alexander Writer says
Hi Olivia,
Yeah, leave the shakes for the cheat day. 🙂
Best of luck and let us know how it goes for you.
SJ says
Thanks for publishing this article. The S&E diet works wonders, I got pretty ripped on it a few years back, but fell of the wagon. But I am starting again on Monday!
Wish me luck!
Alexander Writer says
Hi SJ,
Best of luck! You got this!
phil says
hi Alex,
just wondering I know you say no calorie counting should you still need to check how many cals you are taking in. I weight 220 and can eat a lot if I was to eat at the max allowance of eggs and steak would I still lose fat, or do I need to make sure im not going over 2000 cals
Cheers in advance
Alexander Writer says
Hi Phil,
Try it without calorie counting. Steak and eggs is VERY filling. Even if you have a big appetite, you’ll notice just how full you get. Remember, don’t eat just because you can. Eat until you feel satisfied, but don’t ever force yourself to eat. Good luck.
phil says
Great, thanks Alex.
Alexander Writer says
You bet.
JY says
Love this article, been on low carb over 4 yrs and lost 60 pounds in 18 months (started at 220 pound). Im 42 male 5’7 Am at the best shape of my life after losing the excess pound and build some muscles. Was really sick 4yrs ago with hypertension, sleep apnea, fatty liver and stuff. Really can’t believe that I’ve made it this far.
I do have a small lower belly aka the last ten pounds to lose. I’ve tried bacon and egg but can’t deal with the hunger even after few days of trying.
I’m now On day two of this diet, the first day wasn’t going well, sleep problem and I always alert and energy thru the roof night time. How should I handle this? I also intermittently fast on some days ie one meal a day. Biggest problem is sleep, other than that this diet rocks and can’t wait to see my last two pack..
Alexander Writer says
When you practice intermittent fasting, your HGH levels rise and you experience the surge of energy that you’re describing. What I’ve done is take 5mg of melatonin or drink some Sleepytime tea extra to help me fall asleep.
Joel Cummings says
If I’m only doing 2 meals per day, and I get full about 7/8ths through my meal (steak & eggs) is it acceptable to save the 1/8 portion for an hour later as long as I’m still in my 8 hour eating window? I’m doing this diet while also doing intermittent fasting. I’m on day one and couldn’t quite finish my first meal prep Tupperware.
2. Do you prefer to eat after working out or before? Night workout or morning?
Leon says
Hi Alex – Quick question. I’ve done this diet before and it has proven very successful. Is it possible to drink Vodka and club soda during the diet? I’m out at a lot of social events where there is alcohol involved. I figured since club soda has no carbs or sugar and the vodka doesn’t either, that it would be OK. Thoughts?
Alexander Writer says
When I’m on the steak and eggs diet, I’m strict. If it isn’t steak or eggs, I don’t eat it. However, I doubt that it will hurt your progress unless you’re drinking daily. The best way to find out is by trying it. But keep in mind that alcohol triggers your appetite so I would keep it to 1-2 drinks maxi and drink a ton of water before, during and after. Cheers!
Pam says
Hey Alex,
I have done this diet for 5 days (started last Monday) I lost 10.5 lbs 🙂 What are the rules around when to eat. For some reason I found it hard to only eat twice a day. I did it, but this morning I was so hungry I ate 2 eggs and cut two pieces off of my steak and ate that. I will have my “first” meal at 11:00 am. Do you think this is ok to follow this way and still get the great results? I also am working out everyday. I hope to get the same when I weigh in on Saturday.
Doralynn Rodriguez says
Does this affect the female body different then a male body?? Need to lose my last 10lbs to be at my goal weight so I can start strength training but just don’t want it to affect my body negativity like with my estrogen levels…
Elena says
I came across this diet just this morning and I have decided to try this today I love grass fed lean steak and eggs hopefully this helps me lose 15-20 lbs heck I’ll even be happy with just a 10-15lb loss also I’m using a grass fed butter that’s called Finlandish although I like Kerrygold butter also so far I’m only day 1 I will keep you all posted on my progress 🙂
Alexander Writer says
Awesome Elena! You got this!!
Erin says
i know this is an old article but i just found it and im starting hardcore on monday.. i have been doing keto for a few months but i would like to lose another 20ish pounds before my vacation in 5 weeks.. i have also done the egg fast and the beef and butter fast before (with great results) but i like this better bc it isnt ALL eggs or ALL beef for a week.. i can totally do eggs for lunch and beef for dinner, no problemo!! so my question, can i substitute mayo for the butter as my fat?? i find it easy to bring egg salad to work for lunch..
Alexander Writer says
Can’t say from experience because I’ve never substituted mayo for butter. As long as the mayo is high fat and low carb like butter, I imagine it will be fine.
Rutheva says
Hi, can i use meats that have a lot of fats? Like meltiq meats?
And should we use unsalted butter or salted butter is also okay?
This is my 4th day of this diet, and only lost 1.4kg in the last 3 days of diet.
Did i made mistake that i only lost very little?
Thankyou 🙂
okimiel says
Hi, I did this diet at 2017 and doing again right now
the difference is I’m using lot of fats meat, I’m using wagyu meltiq and salted butter (last time I used unsalted)
today is the 9th day… but why I only lost 2kg? even now I just eat only at evening (1 day 1 meal) but still only lost few…
did I make mistake? because last time I lost quite much (9-10kgs)
did I put too much salt? or blackpepper? or butter?
I’m doing this with my wife… 1 day 1 meal 250g wagyu meltiq 3 eggs only with salt and pepper, drink water and americano coffee no sugar at all
okimiel says
I did this diet before and lost 9-10kgs in 2017 January
Now, I’m doing again with my wife but this time I’m using wagyu meltiq which is lot of fats… and also using salted butter (last time I used unsalted butter)
But, why only 200g lost every day? Today is the 10 days of diet and 1 day of cheat day (total 11 days)
My wife lost 1,5kg last week and gain 1kg on cheat day
Is there any mistake this time? maybe too much salt (sea salt) or too much blackpepper? I’m using a lot of salt and pepper… no sugar at all, drink only water and americano coffee (no sugar)
Even the second week me and my wife only eat once a day at evening (skip breakfast skip dinner skip lunch, only eat 1 time 1 day at evening to prevent starving) but still only loss about 200-250g every day
We drink about 2L of water everyday
Yesterday, I tried to using less salt… only salted butter but no salt at all… quite much blackpepper… and this morning I loss 800g from yesterday…
Is the mistake is on the salt? should I change the salted butter to unsalted butter and not using salt at all? or this is just coinsidence since this is the last day of my second week diet (tomorrow is my cheat day)
Thank you!
Rhonda Hetrick says
So I would love to start this diet, only thing is I really dont eat steak. Can we do any shrimp or fish instead? Also, what kind of foods are allowed on cheat day? Clean Fats or is anything is allowed? Thanks in Advance.
Mike says
I really enjoy fasting. Regular weekly 36-42 hr fasts and I like doing 36-42 alternate day fasts. 2 30minute feed periods with 5-6 apart every other day save sundays though sundays aren’t really a “cheat” day. I don’t fast for weight loss but stave off metabolic syndrome. I do keto and PSMF with ADF 36-42hr. Now, my question…
How will this steak and eggs diet work with 36-42 hour ADF?
Alexander Writer says
Experience is the best teacher 🙂
Hani says
Hi, I removed my gallbladder, can I still do the steak and egg diet?
Alexander Writer says
Please do not do the steak and eggs diet without consulting with your primary care physician first.