The Blog Artist’s Handbook Review
So you’re thinking of starting your own blog and making it successful?
Great, you’ve come to the right article.
There’s something I’m going to share with you that will save you a lot of time, energy, money, and frustration.
NOTE: If you want the short answer as to whether you should buy this book for your blogging success, the answer is YES!
If you want the kick-ass, step-by-step breakdown instead, don’t worry, I got you covered.
This review took MANY hours to put together but that’s OK because my job is to give YOU the best of the best!
A couple months ago, The Blog Artist’s Handbook was released by a man known as Victor Pride.
This book is great and I’d feel guilty if I didn’t share it with you.

I’m going to do my very best to explain just how great this short but MIGHTY guide is.
Furthermore, how it can make all the difference in the world on whether you succeed or not with your blog.
Grab a coffee, get comfortable, and let’s get started.
Let me give you a little more information on the author before we begin.
Victor Pride has been blogging for over 5 years now.
To make a long story short, the guy knows his stuff.
He’s done an amazing job at making his blog VERY successful.
Many things I’ve learned have been from his teachings.
The book is divided into 9 chapters that will SUPERCHARGE your writing and blogging success.
My goal is to give you as much information as possible without giving the whole book away.
The Blog Artist’s Handbook is only 59 pages long and each of them is PACKED with practical information you can begin using immediately
In other words, there’s no filler, just kick-ass content!
You’ll notice I cropped the pictures I included of parts I highlighted in my copy of the book.
Again, this is to avoid giving the whole book away which would be injustice to the author.
One thing you should know about me is that my personal credit matters more than anything else.
Alright, let’s begin.
Chapter 1: The Blog Artist’s Handbook: The Why
Victor waste no time and gets right into what it takes to create a successful blog.
Look great, write great, be great.
Sounds simple enough, but how many blog’s actually follow these steps?
The more blog’s I come across online, the more bloggers I see who aren’t looking, writing, or being great.
No wonder barely any blogs stand the test of time.
I knew the importance of this before reading the book.
However, after hearing it from someone else, I’m more meticulous than ever with each blog post.
Everyone who wants to start a blog has the same question, “Can you make money online?”
Victor answers this question in a direct and honest way and explains what separates those who do and don’t make money.
There was a particular sentence that really stood out to me in this chapter.
The sentence you see highlighted in thr picture above helped me understand just why I work so hard to make my blog the BEST possible.
I have to do it!
It’s my passion to create timeless content and help people all over the world while making a living.
I much rather learn how to be successful, show others how to do it, and get paid; then work my whole life in an office, rotting away in a cubicle.
And if you’re reading this, it’s because you feel the same way.
If you’re serious about making money from your blog, you have to need it.
Victor continues the chapter by explaining the benefits of building a profitable blog.
The greatest benefit is FREEDOM.
Freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want.
…But you have to do the work first.
And that’s exactly what he shows you how to do.
In this chapter, you’ll learn and understand exactly why success is not an accident and how it only happens when 3 things (on pg. 3) come together.
Also discussed in Chapter 1:
- How long should you stick with it to see results?
- Do you have to be a great writer?
- Choosing the right subject to write about
- How to boost your chances of success
- The 4 key areas of focus that comprise most of the content online (These are 4 needs that are hardwired into us)
- What 3 traits do all the best blogs share? (Grab your highlighter for this one)
Chapter 2: How to Get Started: Domains and Hosting
So after some killer motivation and inspiration in Chapter 1, we now start learning all about Domains and Hosting.
First, you learn the three essentials needed in order to start writing, showing off your art, and making some money.
Next, you learn the 5 simple things needed in order to create a killer domain name.
I’ll be nice and give you 2 out of 5:
1) Use the fewest words possible and
2) Make sure it’s easy to repeat
This chapter also shares a free tool to help you generate a great name in case you’re having trouble creating one.
The tool allows you to type in your idea (website topic) and then play around with different options until you find one you like.
You’ll also learn why it’s important to own your name ( on the internet in order to protect your reputation.
In case you haven’t noticed, the internet is filled with bad people who are out to hurt your success.
Also discussed in Chapter 2:
- How to get your site live (Hosting)
- How to make it incredibly easy to blog
- The dangers of free hosting and why to avoid it.
Chapter 3: Design: How to Create Timeless Style
In this chapter, Victor goes into detail on the importance of your website’s design.
He explains how it’s no accident that most popular blogs have been professionally designed.
First impressions ALWAYS matter (especially online) and you’ll learn why you have to be careful with your website’s presentation, as well as what mistakes to avoid.
Also discussed in Chapter 3:
- How do you pick a theme, and what is “good style”
- Hunting down a great theme
- Qualities of a good theme
Chapter 4: Content: How to Write Compelling Words
This is one, if not the most, important chapter in the book.
I constantly tell my readers why the importance of writing quality content.
Somewhere along the line, people started believing all that mattered to be successful online was pumping out a TON of content and that the quality was irrelevant.
Well, I got news for you if you share this belief….
If your content is “dry” and boring, even if the information is good, people won’t respond to it.
Your content needs to have passion and emotion mixed in.
People need to feel your words, not just read them.
Victor provides some great examples on how to do this.
Quoting from the chapter: “For blogging, you’ll have the most success if you put your soul in it.”
And I couldn’t agree more.
Some of my most popular articles are the ones where I’ve shared personal stories.
People don’t just want information; they want to be entertained as they learn.
Information that touches their heart and provokes their emotions.
What’s the best way to do this?
Tell a story in your writing. (Discussed in detail in the chapter)
This chapter is VERY valuable and I highly suggest you refer to it often as a reminder.
Also discussed in Chapter 4:
- How to never run out of ideas
- The value of carrying a pad of paper around with you to write down things you notice throughout the day
- How to gather inspiration from unlikely sources
- What does a great article need: the bones of a great post
- How transparent should you be in your writing?
Chapter 5: Writing: Fingers to Keys: Practical Steps to Write Well
Another one of my favorite chapters in the book.
I use to be one of the people who wrote daily just to write.
In other words, I would write when I had nothing to write about.
And even though I NEVER publish an article unless I feel it’ll help my readers in some way, I was still creating a TON of content that was just sitting in my archives.
I decided to try only writing when an idea came to me.
The result?
My writing feels more personal and emotional than ever.
You see, when you write out of motivation and inspiration, you write from the heart.
You write because you want to, not because you have to.
There’s a HUGE difference.
As a result, you turn a post that could’ve been mediocre into one that’s GREAT.
Victor mentions that when an idea strikes, he takes advantage.
Following his method has worked really well for me.
He explains the importance of always being “ready” so when an idea strikes, you’re able to make note of it.
Ideas can come at any time, from anywhere.
However, you won’t always be able to start writing right there and then when an idea strikes.
And it’s for this reason why you’ll always want to be ready.
What are the chances you’ll remember the idea and write about it later?
With all the distractions, interruptions, and priorities in life; it’s more optimal to write it down.
Also discussed in Chapter 5:
- Always be refilling
- Write fast
- The importance of writing first and editing later (Why to never edit as you go)
- How to create a headline that people will want to click on
- How to practice writing great headlines
Chapter 6: Revising: How to Take a Post From Average to Extraordinary
The last thing you want when creating content is for it to come across as average.
Average isn’t remembered.
Average isn’t shared.
I try my best to make each and every article AMAZING.
I want people to read it and feel like it’s worth sharing with friends, family, and everyone on their social media accounts.
In order to make each blog post great, you need to have patience and polish them so they come out as perfect as possible.
Don’t rush on hitting the publish button.
“Editing your work is the most profitable and most important part of the polishing steps.” -pg. 31
This chapter goes into detail on why you should eliminate sentences that don’t flow well.
It explains that one should not be scared to “cut.”
In other words, don’t fear eliminating sentences thinking your article will lack in length or value.
If there are two articles that teach the EXACT same thing, but one article is 500 words and the other is 2000 words, which article is more valuable?
The answer is the one with 500 words.
Because people value their time and want an answer to question as quickly as possible.
If you can teach them everything they need to know in as few words as possible, you’re a success.
Now don’t take this information and go write a bunch of 50 word articles.
Just edit and make sure you eliminate any filler that isn’t necessary.
Sometimes, a long article will be necessary like this review you’re reading right now since there’s a LOT to cover.
In order for your articles to flow well, you’ll want to avoid repeating yourself which tends to happen often during your first draft.
Also discussed in Chapter 6:
- Keep a morgue (Articles you started but never finished)
- Adding photos (And why using words only and no photos can hurt your success)
- Photo Captions, Alt text, and SEO
- Building your spiderweb: (The value of deep linking to archived posts and why you should always link to your old posts in each new posts) <—-Very good stuff!
Chapter 7: Traffic: Build it And They Won’t Come?
Of course this book wouldn’t be complete unless it had a whole chapter dedicated to traffic.
Everyone knows that traffic is what makes a blog successful.
I’ve written a couple articles on how to get more traffic which you can refer to later in my Business & Money category.
This chapter goes over 3 of the most common traffic problems and how to fix them.
You’ll also learn 4 network strategies on how to get MORE traffic. (Very good stuff)
What I enjoyed the most from this chapter is how practical the advice is.
In other words, I was able to read it and immediately implement the information into my blog.
I promise that I’m itching to share MORE information from the book with you.
The value is unbelievable.
Also discussed in Chapter 7:
- How to turn casual readers into fans
- Getting your email provider
- Signup forms (And how to design them)
- What to include in your emails to your readers
- When to email your readers
Chapter 8: Maintenance: Trimming the Weeds
This chapter begins by talking about negative comments people will possibly leave on your blog.
When you start blogging, people will leave negative comments just because they can.
It’s happen to me and I’ve decided to respond in a respectful way instead delete them.
Ever heard about internet trolls?
Guess what?…They really do exist.
Some people will be grateful you created a blog with great content to share with them.
They’ll leave you comments saying “thank you” and also provide their own ideas and thoughts.
Others will envy you for taking action and creating something of value.
They’ll try to make themselves feel better by filling up your comment sections with negativity.
Victor teaches you how to EASILY deal with this.
Also discussed in Chapter 8:
- Security (How to keep your blog from being hacked)
- Updating your plugins
- Deleting old and unused themes and plugins
- Securing your login page:
- Protecting from A-Z
- Installing a security plugin
- Analytics (Viewing the amount of traffic to your blog and the best plugins for this)
Chapter 9: Money
This chapter is a fantastic introduction into earning money from your blog.
The very first thing discussed is why you’ll want to avoid the popular method of placing ads all over.
I can’t begin to tell you how many blogs I’ve come across that forced me to leave because of the amount of ads scattered all over the page.
It’s distracting, annoying, and results in people leaving and never coming back.
I understand that many blogger’s want to monetize their blogs.
…And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing that.
However, there’s a right and wrong way to go about it.
You’ll never see me place those Google AdSense ads on this blog the way many other blogs do.
This chapter does a fantastic job at convincing why you shouldn’t either.
Victor explains how your blog is your art.
As soon as you allow someone to make themselves part of your art, it loses its magic.
This happens especially with Google AdSense because they generate ads that might not even be related to your blog’s topic.
Imagine having a blog dedicated to showing others “‘how to write eBooks” and Google displays an ad for “The best food to feed your dog”.
How do you think that makes the person who lands on your blog, feel?
Do you think they’ll feel like they’re in the best place for their answer?
Also discussed in Chapter 9:
- Design your own (The only kind of ads you should use and why)
- Be the aggressor
- Make it pay (Making real money from your work)
- How to sell something in each of your blog posts without pushing your readers to buy
- How to affiliate market without being a scumbag
- Making your own product
- Other ways to make money from your blog
As you can see in this 2800 word review I put together just for YOU, this book is JAM-PACKED with valuable information.
If you’re serious about your blogging success, you simply cannot afford not to read this book.
It saves you so much hassle and mistakes that it would be simply insane not to read it.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know how I ONLY share things with my audience which I believe in 100%.
And when it comes to this book, I don’t have a single doubt in my mind you won’t get a ton of value and benefit from it.
The information included inside is worth its weight in gold.
Read the book.
Apply what you learn.
Create a kick-ass blog.
Watch it GROW and become successful.
Thank me later.
I recommend you read the book at least once a month and and also refer to your notes often.
Click here to get your copy now!
P.S. – In Chapters 4, 7, and 9, there’s a ”mindset” section to guide you on the proper way to think and act with the information provided. I HIGHLY recommend you print these sections out and review them on the regular because the information is very POWERFUL.
We’ll talk again soon,
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