"How To Lose The Most Fat Every Day"
Reach Your Body's HIGHEST Fat Burning Abilities So You Can Look and Feel Good FAST!

Here's what you'll learn inside Demon Diet:
- How to stay in the “fat burning zone” so you can lose the MOST fat every day
- One small change that immediately stops your body from being a fat storing machine
- How to naturally reset your metabolism so you can DOUBLE your fat loss abilities (and why you will never succeed with losing fat if you skip this)
- How to guarantee your body uses pure body fat for energy by igniting your body’s built-in fat burning furnace
- Specific foods and little-known secrets that DRASTICALLY increase your body’s fat burning abilities
- The most successful method of meal timing to best stimulate fat loss
- Why you don’t need any expensive supplements, powders, or diets pills to burn fat (and why you’ve been deceived by money hungry companies)
- Why all diet advice is wrong and how it’s keeping you hungry and overweight (Hint: This is why all other diets don't work)
- Why you MUST have a cheat meal every week so you can guarantee you lose fat as quickly as possible
- ....And much, much more!

Week 1 of the Demon Diet

Week 3 of The Demon Diet
Do you have a hard time losing fat and keeping it off?
Is it because of one of these reasons:
- You're hungry all the time?
- You get intense cravings?
- You become irritable, lack energy and can't focus?
Did you answer "YES" to any of the above?
If so, I have news for you, my friend...
It may not be your fault.
...It may be your metabolism.
How will the Demon Diet help you?
It's a fat loss plan that will reset and SUPERCHARGE your metabolism so you can lose fat FAST without starving yourself.
The Demon Diet achieves this in two ways:
- switches your body from burning sugar to burning fat
- curbs your appetite
With that said, yes the Demon Diet is going change your body very quickly, but it requires your commitment.
You should only buy it now if you're READY and SERIOUS about improving yourself so you can you look and feel good.
I'll be honest with you...
The Demon Diet meal plan is easy, low-cost and doesn't require exercise, but you won't be eating all your favorite foods.
If you're looking for a "fun diet" where you can sneak in pizza and ice cream...STOP READING NOW!
The Demon Diet wasn't designed to be fun...It was designed to help you lose fat FAST!
Anyone who offers you a "fun diet" doesn't care about helping you.
But I do care.
So, at this point you're probably thinking: "This sounds great and I want to try it, but what kind of foods will I eat on the Demon Diet?"
You'll eat different foods depending on what day of the diet you're on.
The Demon Diet meal plan is designed to work with your body's hormones to guarantee you lose MAXIMUM fat in the shortest amount of time possible.
You'll have the flexibility to eat foods like chicken, fish, steak, beef, pasta, potatoes, fruit, etc.
I'll take you step-by-step and show you exactly what to eat.
So, are you ready to lose EXTREME fat...
Do you promise to commit yourself...
Is your #1 priority to FINALLY lose your fat and get the body you've always wanted...
Great! Let's get started...
The Demon Diet is a tested and PROVEN fat burning plan that actually works!
A person is able to follow the Demon Diet and lose intense fat very quickly.
You don't have to buy my book to lose fat fast, take control of your health and get the body you’ve always wanted.
You can continue looking and feeling the way you do.
But let's be honest...you wouldn't have read up to this point if you wanted that.
You're still reading because you believe you deserve a thinner and healthier body than the one you have now.
My book has helped people all over the world, and now I want to help you too!
Can you imagine how good you'll look and feel after losing a TON of fat with the Demon Diet and everyone begins noticing the new you?
Here's the reality...
Losing fat will make you happier...being happier will make you feel good...feeling good will improve all areas of your life...and that's why you should get my book Demon Diet right now!
The best part is that you don't have to pay shipping costs or wait for this book in the mail.
You're able to download the Demon Diet on your phone or computer so you can begin reading it right now!
You're Also Getting a Free Gift Today

$10 FREE
"MELT" is a HARDCORE 5-Day fat loss challenge.
It is NOT easy!
"MELT" is extremely difficult...mentally.
I only recommend it before an event, vacation or hot date because you're going to need the extra motivation.
MELT allows you to lose so much fat in only 5 days that it's SCARY!
This bonus book is NOT for everyone.
Even though the challenge is only 5 days, most people are not mentally strong enough to do it.
That's why I offer it as a FREE bonus instead of charging for it.
"MELT" is fat loss magic!
...But it's so difficult mentally that I might remove it as a bonus book.
If you're mentally strong enough to do the challenge (most people aren't), you will reach the very limits of your body's fat burning abilities.
You won't believe how much slimmer you look and how much less you weigh at the end of 5 days.
This small but MIGHTY guide is the BEST 5-Day fat loss plan ever created.
You're already going to lose a TON of fat with the Demon Diet alone.
The Melt challenge is optional.
However, combine the two and you'll lose a DRASTIC amount of fat off your body.
Check Out What Others Are Saying About The Demon Diet!
This is incredible! The fat is melting off me! I knew that you would deliver in this book, but I didn’t think the fat loss would be so extreme and so fast. My face looks a lot skinnier and people have already began asking if I’ve been working out. I start Phase 2 tomorrow and cannot begin to tell you how excited I am. I can’t express how thankful I am for this book. Thank you so much.
“Hey Alexander just wanted to email to say that the Demon Diet is unbelievable. I bought it the same day you released it because I have my son’s wedding at the end of the month and need to lose a good 20 pounds. I am shocked with how much fat I’m losing and how loose my clothes are fitting me. Your book is well written and easy to follow which has made this process a breeze. What’s most interesting is that my appetite is completely gone which is great because I’m the type of person who eats and gets hungry again in an hour. But not anymore thanks to your book. I can’t wait until the wedding day to see how much skinnier I’m going to be. I might just email you again to let you know!”
I’ve bought other diet books, weight-loss pills, and a bunch of other things that cost a lot more but didn’t help me. I searched on google for how to lose extreme weight quickly and found your book. There’s no way to explain my results except HOLY S*** I’m losing fat fast! Great book and I hope that you’re rewarded for this gem that you’ve created my brother. I would have paid double for it without hesitation.
Alex I want to say thank you but feel like it wouldn’t be enough. I honestly feel like buying the book again just to show my appreciation. Everything makes so much sense to me now and for the first time I feel like I’m burning fat the healthy and right way. And oh yeah I’m burning it fast. What I struggled with the most before was my cravings for sweets. Since everyone in my family loves them, I figured that it was just a genetic thing. This diet has finally allowed me to get control of my cravings and given me a sense of power I honestly didn’t think I would ever feel.
I’ve lost 6 lbs. in just one week and am not hungry at all. Your section about leptin really opened my eyes. Thanks for this amazing book!
I’m on Day 5, my appetite is GONE, my jeans are loose on me, and my energy is fantastic.
Quick fat loss and easy diet to follow. Very affordable as well. I love it
Extremely simple to follow and fast fat loss!
You’re often told to cut calories to lose fat.
But wouldn't everyone be thin if that really worked?
Here's the reality...
Counting calories to lose fat DOES NOT WORK!
Yes, you'll lose some fat like you have in the past, but your body will IMMEDIATELY compensate for it by regaining the weight back to your body set weight.
Have you heard of “ghrelin”?
It’s a hunger hormone that increases your appetite when you cut calories.
Along with ghrelin increasing, your metabolism begins shutting down because cutting calories decreases your total energy expenditure forcing you to feel tired, cold, and moody.
As your energy expenditure decreases, your fat loss slows down and eventually STOPS!
Does it make sense now why no diet has worked for you?

100 Days Money Back Guarantee
I am so sure that the Demon Diet will work for you and help you burn fat fast that I am giving you 100 days to try it out 100% RISK FREE!
You’ll only need a couple of days to have proof that the Demon Diet works like magic. However, just so you can have peace of mind, and if you want $7.99 back, you have a FULL 100 days to ask me for it.
If at any time you are not happy with how fast the fat is melting off you, simply send me an email to inertiawillhurtya@gmail.com and write the word “Cancel” in the subject line. I will provide you a prompt and courteous refund.
My products and reputation mean more to me than the $7.99 you’re going to pay for this book. If you’re not happy with your results, you get 100% of your money back. No questions asked.
The Demon Diet is only $7.99!
I could tell you that my book is priceless, but I think you already know that.
Purchase the Demon Diet now so you can begin burning body fat FAST today!
Remember that you have 100 days to try it RISK-FREE!
I can only make this kind of guarantee because I strongly believe in my book and know it's going to help you.
You either lose fat quickly and keep it off...or I refund you 100% of your money.