I’m a big fan of quotes.
Sometimes you can find more education, inspiration, or motivation in a single quote than in an entire book.
You know a quote is great when you read it and get that little feeling of “Wow, this can change my life”.
I’ve come across many, MANY quotes in my life.
Some didn’t offer me much, and others were OK.
But, every now and then, I’d find one and immediately add it to my collection of best quotes.
In that same collection lies one quote by Muhammad Ali that literally changed my life.
The more I read it, the more I understood how and why it worked.
Here it is:
“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” -Muhammad Ali
What Ali meant was that whatever you repeat to yourself constantly and consistently is what you’ll begin seeing and accepting as true.
Read that last sentence again.
Once accepted as true, it becomes part of who you are.
For example, if I constantly think and say to myself “I earn $100 per day online”, eventually that is exactly what I’ll accept as true.
No matter how unlikely I believe it is RIGHT NOW, eventually, my mind will make a shift and begin believing it’s possible.
And guess what?
That is exactly what happened to me!
I wanted to begin earning $100 per day online more than anything.
I didn’t care about what TV show was on, what cute girl was single, or what my friends were up to during the weekend.
All I cared about was making “$100 per day online” part of my reality.
So, I repeated it over and over until I believed it was possible.
After many weeks of repeating it, I developed the faith and persistence to bring it into my reality.
Before I knew it, I had created and released my eBook How to Make $100 Every Day On The Internet to show others how I started earning $100 per day, and how they can do it too.
Whatever you want to become or get better at, simply repeat it over and over.
Your goal is to repeat your affirmations over and over until there’s no choice but for things to turn out that way.[bctt tweet=”Your goal is to repeat your affirmations over and over until there’s no choice but for things to turn out that way.” username=””]
YouTube videos or read books on Ali and you’ll find how he would repeat “I’m the greatest”.
There’s no argument that he was one of the greatest boxers of all-time.
The moral of the story is that it doesn’t matter what you believe you’re capable of.
All that matters is that you develop the belief to have whatever it is you want.
But, you have to make sure you follow through and repeat it daily.
Don’t think you can say it once and then automatically have things turn out that way.
You have to repeat it non-stop so it literally takes over your mind and becomes your most dominant thought.
You’ll notice how ideas begin rushing into your head and how you’ll suddenly have a strong will and motivation to take action towards what you want.
It’s that easy.
Talk soon,
-Alexander Writer
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