Let’s be honest…
If you start something and don’t get results, you have to give up at some point.
You can’t just keep wasting your time on something that isn’t going anywhere.
You should just move on to something else.
Maybe this just isn’t for you.
Maybe you picked the “wrong thing”.
It’s not your fault, it’s just something you can’t or don’t know how to do.
It’s time to give up and it’s fine, right?
When should you give up?
The answer is simple.
Give up when you can no longer learn and apply.
In other words, give up when you die.
If you keep chasing your goal, you’ll make continual progress.
Maybe you’ll get there in six months.
Maybe a year, maybe two years.
The amount of time it takes is irrelevant.
You’re only job is to keep going until you get there.
The easiest thing to do is quit.
That’s why most people do it.
Are you most people?
No, you’re not.
A good trick is to set small and measurable goals.
You can’t tell yourself “I’m going to double my income in a month”.
Can it happen?
Of course….anything is possible.
But what if it doesn’t happen?
How does it affect you?
You lose motivation and desire to keep going.
You begin to doubt yourself.
However, if you set small and measurable goals…
You’ll constantly make progress and stay motivated.
So next time you’re thinking about giving up, ask yourself:
“Am I expecting too much, am I at least making progress?”
If you haven’t made any progress, you’re not working hard enough.
But if you’re making progress…
Any kind of progress….
Giving up doesn’t make sense.
Why would you stop your car on the road to success if it’s running fine and on the way to its destination?
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