Due to the miracle of the internet, you now have instant access to any kind of information.
If you’re seeking knowledge or advice in anything, you simply search for it online.
But what happens when the knowledge or advice your seeking is being offered as a service or product?
Should you buy it?
Will it work?
How do you know if anyone else has tried it and if their experience was positive?
To answer these questions, let’s also address “what is affiliate marketing?“
How affiliate marketing works:
1) You buy a product/service
2) You use that product/service
3) You write about your experience
4) You provide a link so your readers can buy it
It’s that simple.
When you use a product or service and write about your experience, it provides your readers “peace of mind” to buy it.
Sure, any company can make a product/service sound amazing; but when someone you trust talks about their experience with it, you’re more likely to buy.
This is why all the big companies allow people to post reviews about their purchases.
I wrote a review for Death Wish Coffee.
Being an avid coffee drinker, I searched for one that tasted good and provided great energy/focus.
However, it took me a while before finding a coffee that satisfied my needs.
Most coffee I bought either tasted acidic or didn’t really give me energy.
So I went into Google and searched for “strong coffee”.
I came across Death Wish Coffee, read about it, looked at what others were saying, and proceeded with my purchase.
The coffee was excellent and exactly what I was looking for!
Since I had a problem and found a solution, I decided to write a review about it.
By me writing the review, it offered a solution to people experiencing the same issue.
Do you see how this works?
Affiliate marketing is a great way to help other people solve their problems while earning money for your efforts/referrals.
Important: You should ONLY write about and promote products/services that you really use.
Writing a bunch of fake reviews and promoting products that you haven’t used is a great way to DESTROY your credibility and blog success.
Use the product, write a honest and authentic review, and earn a little cash for referring it.
How likely is someone to ever trust you again, let alone return to your website, if you promote a product they buy and have a terrible experience with?
Be 100% honest, 100% of time. End of story.
Most companies have an affiliate program.
Once you sign up for there affiliate program (it’s usually free), they’ll provide you a link to place on your website/blog to promote the product/service you want.
Amazon is one of the most popular affiliate programs on the internet.
They’re a trusted site who have earned their great reputation over the years.
Clickbank is another one that’s very popular.
It has a huge marketplace for all different types of categories.
Let’s say I wanted to promote one there most popular E-Marketing courses known as Google Sniper.
Once I have bought and used the product, I will write a review and create a link and picture to post on my website for others to buy.
Note: I have not used Google Sniper, I provided the link and picture above as an example.
Here are examples of product reviews I’ve done.
These are all products that I’ve bought, used, and had a positive experience with.
Once you write about your story with the product, just leave your readers a link to buy it, and you’re good to go.
I’m a HUGE fan of affiliate marketing.
I love the peace of mind it provides to move forward with a purchase.
And I like reading stories of people who have used the product/service I’m thinking of buying.
Stories can help understand how and why a product/service will help you.
Now that I’ve answered your question on what is affiliate marketing, I encourage you to share your stories with others so they can feel confident about buying products/services that’ll help them.
-Alexander Writer
Alex (Administrator) says
I have never and will never purchase an online marketing course (ex:Google Sniper). If you go through all my articles, each and everyone of them provides value. Do I charge a monthly membership for my content? No. Will I ever? no. This blog has and will always provide FREE motivational and educational advice. As far as affiliate marketing is concerned, as long as you actually USE the product and have a positive experience with it; then it is a great idea to tell your readers about it so they feel at ease about purchasing it. You will never see me promote something that I have not personally used. Writing a bunch of BS reviews about products just to make a sale is the FASTEST way to lose the trust of your readers. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I hope people receive value from your comment.
Chris says
I feel obligated to warn you and your readers Alex. Affiliate marketing is a minefield of “guru’s” and scams. Google Sniper is one such product. You see, it’s very easy to trick people when you’re talking about something that makes easy money. Affiliate marketing is old as far as the internet is concerned and the net is already over saturated with this and that marketing scheme built around it. Instead of focusing on some product or class of products, just focus on providing value and building a following who gives a shit about what you have to say. If you can do that, you can make money.
Jacob S. says
Nice crash course on affiliate marketing! This is short, sweet and to the point.
I have a quick question for you, since no products are perfect, what is your take on giving an honest review for a product that its benefits outweigh any downsides. But you believe it could still help others.
Would you write an honest review and link anyway? Or write something that you believe in 100% and has rarely any downside?
Also, if you don’t have a subscribe to comments or follow-up comments plug in, you may want to check it out. Your commenters may like it!
Alex (Administrator) says
You could write a pros and cons review. Just as you mentioned, some products have benefits that outweigh any downsides. I’ve never written a review on a product I felt had any “cons” but it doesn’t mean I never will. If a product has nine great things and only one or two bad things, it’s still HIGHLY valuable and worth buying. Writing both pros and cons can also help your audience trust you better, in my opinion.
Jacob S. says
That is excellent advice, thank you. That’s something I can do moving forward.
Alex (Administrator) says
My pleasure, Jacob.