7 Laws of Attraction (And How I Use them to Attract Everything I Want)
1) Set a Realistic Goal
I know you want a million dollars to fall into your hands overnight.
…Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Unfortunately, this isn’t how the law of attraction works.
In order to achieve a goal, you have to first believe/convince your mind you can achieve it.
Therefore, if you’re just starting out, setting a measurable and realistic goal is optimal.
For example, when I started working online, I set the goal of earning just $5 a month.
I had no idea how to do it but believed I could at least make that much.
By setting this realistic goal and following the other 6 laws below; I started learning all the ways to make money online.
For one example, check out my article on 3 Secret Steps I Follow to Make Money With Niche Websites.
Once I started earning $5 a month, I doubled the goal to $10 a month.
…And then $20, $40, and so on.

The best part?
All these sales are from systems I’ve set up to be automatic and passive.
My eBook is complete; I never have to touch it again.
My affiliate links are included in my articles which get read daily by new people.
If I were to stop working on this blog, and my niche websites; they’ll continue to produce on their own.
…But that won’t be happening because I LOVE to work!
(And in case you’re wondering, Inertia Will Hurt ya isn’t for sale 🙂 )
Do you see what’s happening here?
Every time I accomplish a goal, it builds my confidence that I can move on and earn double that.
But if I would’ve started off with “I now earn $4,000 a month online” knowing deep in my subconscious-mind I had NO IDEA how to; chances are I wouldn’t have been as successful.
And let me tell you something…
I know $5 might not seem like a lot of money, and you’re right, it isn’t.
But those $5 lit a fire inside of me.
They EXPLODED my confidence.
Earning $5 a month online is a JOKE to me now.
I’ve moved on to BIGGER goals.
…And they will only get bigger with time.
2) Read ‘Think and Grow Rich’
I’ve mentioned it before, I’m mentioning it now, and I’ll continue to do so in the future.
Think and Grow Rich will bring you ANY goal you want.
It will always have its place as one of my 7 laws of attraction.
Though the title might make it appear as it only teaches how to accumulate wealth; the principles inside, if followed, will work for any goal.
You’ll hear every single entrepreneur mention this book.
If you don’t read it, you’re simply not serious and ready to achieve your goals.
It’s the bible of success.
I can’t take you seriously if you haven’t read it.
It’s the equivalence of wanting to build a house you’ve yet to create a blueprint for.
You’re going to be lost, make plenty of mistakes, and ultimately give up or fail.
Think and Grow Rich is the blueprint for goals.
I read it a MINIMUM of twice per year.
You can pick up the Kindle or audio version here on Amazon.
3) The Law of Writing 10x
There’s something MAGICAL about writing your goals down.
“There’s nothing capricious in nature, and the implanting of a desire indicates that its gratification is in the constitution of the creature that feels it.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson
In other words, you would not have the desire unless you were capable of its achievement.
Re-read that last sentence.
Whatever you want and write down, you can achieve.
By writing it down 10 times in the morning and another 10 at night before bed; you’re building the belief you can achieve it.
You’re ingraining it deep into your subconscious-mind.
When you write your goal down on paper, it automatically becomes something tangible.
It’s more realistic.
You can see it, touch it, and feel it.
Combining eye coordination with the movement of your hand as you write the goal creates a POWERFUL impression in your mind.
…And every time you write it down, the impression gets stronger and stronger, deeper and deeper!

4) Set an Affirmation Alarm on Your Phone
Repeating your goal throughout the day is another great way to bury it deep in your mind.
However, this can be easy to forget, especially when you’re starting out.
The solution?
Set an alarm with your affirmation that will flash your goal on your phone’s screen.
You can also set up an alarm with a different device and just read your goal off an index card.
Set the alarm to sound every 3 hours throughout the day.
This forces you to remember the goal and continue to feed it to your subconscious-mind.
Easy to do, and VERY effective.
But will you do it?
Only if you’re serious about your goal…
5) Create a Vision Board
You have to physically see the goal.
Your subconscious-mind responds very well to images.
Therefore, a vision board is a must.
I’d stare at mine for about a minute and then close my eyes and imagine the $5.
I did this every morning and night right after law #3.
Below is an illustration I created for you to get an idea of what my vision board looked like.
NOTE: I literally put a real $5 bill and continue to do so with whatever my current financial goals are.
6) Take Action Towards Your Goal
While in the process of learning how to earn $5 a month, I educated myself daily.
I read free information online, books, and watched videos.
This was actually one of the first books I read that turned out to be really good.
You can get it here on Amazon.
Listen to me when I say this:
When you repeat a goal and take action towards it, you begin seeing things you didn’t before.
You get ideas, inspiration and motivation.
Things just start happening out of nowhere.
You literally create a burning desire for the attainment of that goal. (Discussed in ‘Think and Grow Rich’)
I repeated earning $5 a month so often that it had no choice but to come into my reality.
It forced the desire of taking action in me.
Now, I continue to repeat my financial goals daily, along with my other money affirmations.
…And I don’t stop until they manifest!
7) Don’t Quit
There’s no secret to this.
If you do what I tell you, you’ll achieve your goal.
But there are two kinds of people:
1) Those that follow these 7 laws of attraction for a few days and quit.
2) Those who won’t quit until their goal manifest.
It’s very easy to become unmotivated when you start because your goal won’t manifest as quick as you’d like.
However, if you JUST KEEP GOING, you’ll achieve it.
And let me finish saying this…
Always remember that time will go by anyways
So whether it takes you a week, a month, or a year to achieve your goal; you might as well keep going!
Whatever you want is on its way.
The question is – Will you be persistent until you achieve it?
I know I will.
Follow my 7 laws of attraction and watch how your goals appear, one after another.
We’ll talk again soon,
PS – Don’t forget to download my Dominant Discipline book. Click here for more Information.
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